Antón de Marirreguera

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Antón de Marirreguera, XIX century ideal portrait
Antón de Marirreguera, XIX century ideal portrait

Antón González Reguera, better known as Antón de Marirreguera (Pronunciation)  was the author of the first preserved literarian work written in Asturian language, the «Pleitu ente Uviéu y Mérida pola posesión de les cenices de Santa Olaya» (Dispute between Oviedo and Mérida because of Saint Eulalia's Ashes), of 1639, that takes the first prize in a poetical contest dedicated to Saint Eulalie. He writes another works as «Diálogu políticu» (Politician Dialogue), the fables «Dido y Eneas» (Dido and Aeneas) and «Hero y Lleandro» (Hero and Leander) and the entremeses «L'ensalmador» (The Healer), «L'alcalde» (The Mayor) and «Los alcaldes» (The Mayors).


[edit] Life

Antón González Reguera was born in the first years of XVII century (in 1605 according to Carlos González de Posada) in Llorgozana (Carreño), in a fidalgo family. He was called Antón de Marirreguera because of his mother, María González Reguera. It is supposed that his father would be named Pedro Álvarez Hevia and that he died early. Being orphan of father and starting religion studies, he took the family name from his mother, following the tradition. That would explain why in some documents he appears as Antonio Álvarez.

He studied Latin, Humanities and Theology in the University of Oviedo, he becames a priest in 1631 and take charge of some parishes in Carreño.

In the fidalgo census of this municipality he is called Antonio González Reguera, priest of Priendes between 1640 and 1644. In 1645 he appears as the priest of Albandi, but with the name of Antonio González Moñiz, taking the second family name from his uncle Xoan Moñiz who was the precedent priest in this parish.

In Albandi documents he continues to appear as the parish priest until 1661, when he is relieved by his nephew Xuan Rodríguez Reguera. He didn't appears in the fidalgo census of 1662, so it's supposed that he died between 1661 y 1662.

[edit] Works

Antón de Marirreguera was known as a writer since he was studying in the University and his works became very popular when he was alive. But his works were transmitted orally or in manuscripts, so most of them are lost today. According to González Posada, Antón de Marirreguera itself says to his nephew to burn some papers of him, just before his death, because he didn't wants “to be said that a priest amuse himself doing this sort of things”.

Some titles of his losts works are known, as «Los impuestos» (The taxes), «Padrenuesu» (Holy Lord), «Razonamientu ente Xuan Moñiz y Pero Suare» (Argument between Xuan Moñiz and Pero Suare) and «Décimes» (Décimas). It could be added «Píramo y Tisbe», considering that's actually dubted the assignation of the version collected by Xosé Caveda y Nava.

First edition of his works was made by González Posada, who releases the «Pleitu ente Uviéu y Mérida» and the first octave of «Dido y Eneas» in Memorias Históricas del Principado de Asturias y Obispado de Oviedo (Historical Memories of the Asturian Pricipality and the Oviedo Diocese) of 1794.

Later, Xosé Caveda y Nava included this two poems in his Colección de poesías en dialecto asturiano (Collection of Poems in Asturian Dialect) in 1839, adding «Hero y Lleandro», «Píramo y Tisbe» , «Diálogu políticu» and «L'ensalmador».

Newer and most complete edition is Xulio Viejo's one, intitulated «Fábules, Teatru y Romances» (Fables, Theater and Romances), of 1997. In his introduction study, it is disputed the assignation to Marirreguera of the fable called "Píramo y Tisbe", collected by Caveda. Xulio Viejo thinks it's possible that this work would be made by Benito de l'Auxa, although it's known that Marirreguera had written another one with the same title.

In May 2000, the Selmana de les Lletres asturianes (Week of Asturian Letters) was dedicated to Antón de Marirreguera and his work. With this motive, an adaptation of «L'ensalmador» was played, arranged by Lluis Antón González and directed by Xulio Vixil.

[edit] References

  • García, Antón (1994). Lliteratura Asturiana nel tiempu. Principáu d'Asturies. ISBN 84-7847-280-0
  • Ramos Corrada, Miguel (dir.) (2002). Historia de la Lliteratura Asturiana. Academia de la Llingua Asturiana. ISBN 84-8168-335-3

[edit] External links

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