Anime Discovery Project

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The Anime Discovery Project, or ADP, is a University of Washington campus organization that provides an outlet for students interested in anime, manga, and other elements of Japanese popular culture. The ADP was formed in 1991 by a handful of students with a like-minded interest in Japanese animation and quickly blossomed into one of the largest anime clubs in the northwestern United States. The club is run by a staff of seven elected officers with the assistance of members who take on the roles of volunteers.

At the club's height, the average quarterly membership consisted between fifty and eighty members, depending on the time of year. Those numbers have gone down in recent years, as the advent of distributing fansubs for direct downloading over the internet and the growth of popularity for anime in America in general have in part negated the club's original mission to provide easy access to anime for what was once a niche fanbase. At present, the club still receives more than enough interest to remain in operation.


[edit] Club activities

The ADP has an office located in the University of Washington's Husky Union Building room SB21, otherwise known as the HUB. Officers and volunteers regularly hold office hours during the course of the school year. Club members are allowed to check out materials from the club's library, including fansubbed anime tapes, manga, and music CDs.

On most Fridays during the school year, the ADP runs anime showings in Gowen Hall room 301 from roughly 5:00 to 9:30 in the evening. There is no admission fee and club membership is not required to attend. The programming that makes up each showing is picked from a range of genres and eras with episodic works running on a weekly or biweekly basis. All programs shown are either fansubs of programs currently unlicensed for official distribution in the U.S., or licensed programs that the club has secured permission to play from their domestic distributors.

Officer elections are held each year during a spring quarter showing.

[edit] Officers and volunteers

The club's seven officer positions are:

  • President
As the head of the ADP, the president is charged with organizing and presiding over officer meetings, finalizing volunteer selections, and acts in a disciplinary manner when called for. The president also normally functions as the master of ceremonies at each showing.
  • Red Tape Officer
The officer in charge of the most bureacratic of the club's duties, which include renewing the club's hold to its office space and securing timeslots for the weekly showings.
  • Public Relations
The officer in charge of advertising the ADP around the University of Washington campus.
  • Internet Officer
Maintains the ADP's website and mailing lists.
  • Treasurer
The officer that keeps track of the club's funds.
  • Librarian
The officer in charge of maintaining the club's library and also holds the primary role in determining what to play at the club showings.
  • Audio/Visual Officer
This role is held by a club member that is also a staff member of the UW's Classroom Support Services department. This officer is tasked with unlocking campus A/V booths and maintaining operations during each showing.

Volunteers hold limited responsibility with the club that generally extends to holding office hours, checking out materials to members, and recording new memberships. It is often the case that members of the volunteer staff will go on to become an ADP officer.

[edit] Membership

ADP membership is not restricted to UW students, and is open to anyone willing to pay the quarterly membership fee. At present, dues are five dollars per quarter, but have in the past been as high as seven. The ADP is a non-profit organization; all funds received by the club are used for the purpose of club maintenance and advertising.

[edit] References

    Anime Discovery Project Home Page:

    Link to article about the ADP in The Daily, University of Washington's student publication:

    Link to article mentioning the ADP in the Seattle Times:

    [edit] External links

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