From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is an anime and manga website (created in 2001) that is similar to The Internet Movie Database, but with a focus on Japanese anime. The website is hosted by Swift Communications and maintained by Kevin Lamothe.
The site's database has creator information, character information, episode guides, reviews and website links for most anime series. There is also a manga database that is not as comprehensive as the anime database. One popular feature is a list of the 200 best anime series of all time as voted by its visitors. The list order is determined by an algorithm instead of mean score. While reviews may be removed by moderators for lack of content, the site is often considered more of a barometer of fan popularity rather than that of academic criticism.
Other features of the site include an "Anime 101" section which is intended to educate the user on the basics of anime, the history of anime, character design and seiyū (voice talent), a forum, and the "AnimeNfo Radio" that plays Japanese music 24/7.
[edit] The Forum
The AnimeNfo forum has over ten thousand topics and over one-hundred and fifty thousand posts. Although the main site has over 100,000 members, only a small portion of them post on the forums. The forum is managed by a host of moderators and administrators for sections including 'Anime and Manga Chat', 'General Chat', 'Artists Corner', 'Musically Gifted', 'Writers Block', 'Gamers Corner', and 'AnimeNfo Feedback'.