Angissq LORAN-C transmitter
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Angissq LORAN-C transmitter was a LORAN-C transmitter at Nanortalik-Angissq, Greenland of GRI 7930, 59°59'18"N, 45°10'24" W ( ). Angissq LORAN-C transmitter had a transmission power of 1000 kilowatts. It used until July 27, 1964 a 1350 ft (411.48 metre) tall mast radiator, which was built in 1963. On July 27, 1964 this tower collapsed as a result of a fatigue failure of an eyebolt head in a compression cone insulator on a structural guy. The collapsed tower was replaced afterwards by a 704 ft (214 metre) tall mast radiator. On December 31, 1994 the transmitter was shut down. The tower is still there, but unused.