Angel hair

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This article is about Angel hair as in UFOs. For angel hair pasta see Cappellini.
Disputed science:
Astrobiotic origin of Angel Hair


Core tenets:
  • A mysterious substance
    composed of fine threads
    and allegedly associated
    with ufo activity represents
    extraterresstial organic matter
Year proposed: * perhaps c. 1950

Original proponents:

  • unknown

Current proponents:

  • unknown

Angel hair is an alleged substance of unknown origin, said to be dispersed from UFOs as they fly overhead. It is so named for its similarity to fine hair, or spider's webs, and is comparable to ectoplasm and pixie dust. Reports of Angel hair say that it disintegrates within a short time of forming.

There have been many reports of falls of angel hair around the world. The greatest number of reports have come from the U.S.A., western Europe, eastern Australia, and New Zealand.

[edit] Alternative explanations

One of the possible explanations offered relates to the web making activities of spiders. Some types of spiders are known to migrate through the air, sometimes in large numbers, on cobweb gliders. The threads created by these airborne arachnids are delicate enough to dissolve upon handling.

[edit] See also

[edit] External link

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