Ane Pleasant Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis

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Ane Pleasant Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis is a satirical morality play written by Scottish makar David Lyndsay and first performed in 1552 (but not published until 1602. One of the Satyre's distinguishing features is the inclusion of farcical comic interludes, which border on slapstick and which were not originally part of the work [1]

The Satyre is an attack on the Three Estates represented in the parliament of Scotland- the clergy, lords and burgh representatives, symbolised by the characters Spiritualitie, Temporalitie and Merchant. The clergy come in for the strongest criticism. Written not long before the Reformation reached Scotland, the work portrays very well the social tensions present at this pivotal moment in Scottish history.


[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Part of the script (1554)

Heir sall the Carle loup aff the scaffald.


Swyith begger bogill, haist the away,
Thow art over pert to spill our play.


I wil not gif for al ȝour play worth an sowis fart,
For thair is richt lytill play at my hungrie hart.


Quhat Devill ails this cruckit carle?


Marie Meikill sorrow :
I can not get, thocht I gasp, to beg, nor to borrow


Quhair deuill is this thou dwels or quhats thy intent?


I dwell into Lawthiane ane myle fra Tranent.


Quhair wald thou be, carle, the suth to me shaw?


Sir, evin to Sanct-Androes for to seik law.


For to seik law in Edinburgh was the neirest way.


Sir I socht law thair this monie deir day;
Bot I culd get nane at sessioun nor Seinȝe :
Thairfoir the mekill dum Deuill droun all the meinȝe.


Shaw me thy mater, man, with al the circumstances,
How that thou hes happinit on thir vnhappie chances.


Gude-man will ȝe gif me ȝour Charitie,
And I sall declair how the black veritie.
My father was ane auld man and ane hoir,
And was of age fourscoir of ȝeirs and moir;
And Mald, my mother was fourscoir and fyfteine :
And with my labour I did thame baith sustein.
Wee had ane Meir, that caryit salt and coill,
And everie ilk ȝeir scho brocht vs hame ane foill.
Wee had thrie ky that was baith fat and fair,
Nane tydier into the toun of Air.
My father was sa waik of blude and bane,
That he deit, quhairfoir my mother maid great maine.
Then scho deit within ane day or two ;
And thair began my povertie and wo.
Our gude gray Meir was baittand on the feild,
And our Lands Laird tuike hir for his hyreild.
The Vickar tuik the best Cow be the head,
Incontinent, quhen my father was deid.
And quhen the Vickar hard tel how that my mother
Was dead, fra-hand he tuke to him ane vther.
Then meg my wife did murne both evin & morrow
Till at the last scho deit for verrie sorow :
And quhen the Vickar hard tell my wyfe was dead,
The third cow he cleikit be the head.
Thair vmest clayis, that was of rapploch gray,
The Vickar gart his Clark bear them away.
Quhen all was gaine, I micht mak na debeat,
Bot with my bairns past for till beg my meat.
Now haue I tald ȝow the black veritie,
How I am brocht into this miserie.


How did the person, was he not thy gude friend?


The devil stick him, he curst me for my teind,
And halds me ȝit vnder that same proces,
That gart me want the Sacrament at Pasche.
In gude faith, sir, Thocht he wald cut my throt,
I haue na geir except ane Inglis grot,
Quhilk I purpois to gif ane man of law.


Thou art the daftest fuill that ever I saw.
Trows thou, man, be the law to get remeid
Of men of kirk? Na, nocht till thou be deid.


Sir, be quhat law tell me, quhairfoir, or quhy
That ane Vickar sould tak fra me thrie ky?


Thay haue na law, exceptand consuetude,
Quhilk law to them is sufficient and gude.


Ane consuetude against the common weill
Sould be na law I think be sweit Sanct Geill.
Quhair will ȝe find that law tell gif ȝe can
To tak thrie ky fra ane pure husband man?
Ane for my father, and for my wyfe ane vther,
And the third Cow he tuke for Mald my mother.


It is thair law all that thay haue in vse,
Thocht it be Cow, Sow, Ganar, Gryce, or Guse.


Sir, I wald speir at ȝow ane questioun.
Behauld sum Prelats of this Regioun:
Manifestlie during thair lustie lyvfis,
Thay swyfe Ladies, Madinis and vther mens wyfis.
And sa thair cunts thay haue in consuetude.
Quhidder say ȝe that law is evill or gude?

[edit] References

  1. ^ Lyndsay, Sir David. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Retrieved on July 1, 2006.

[edit] See also