
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Andrusi will put actual info here later. He's lazy.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
Search user languages
infin¦itive This user chooses to sometimes split infinitives.
by The passive voice may be used by this user.
…in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something this user is okay with.
to / too
/ two
Too many people have no idea how to use words they should have learned in grade two.
if & whether This user knows how to use "if" and "whether" correctly.
their / there / they're This user knows that there, their, and they're are not the same word.
your/ you’re This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, you’re in need of help.
.  T This user puts two spaces after a full stop.
its & it's This user understands the difference between its and it's. So should you.
’s Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice. [sic]
AIM-4 Dis d00d has a near-native understanding of da IM me! wordz. :p
AIM-Able This user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not use it. Ever.
This user is interested in the existence of a human soul or spirit.
This user realizes that the Earth isn't an oblate spheroid, but rather a close approximation of one.
This user lives in the
United States of America.
This user lives in or hails from
North Carolina.
This user begrudgingly observes Daylight Saving Time.
This user thinks time zones are evil.

This user suffers from senioritis, an incurable demotivational syndrome.

All your base are belong to Andrusi.
This user is a NINJA!
\int e^x dx | I | N | T | E | G | R | A | L | S |

My antiderivative


This user is made out of Carbon.

BLUES This person favours Blues.EXE as his/her NetNavi