
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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//  <pre><nowiki>
//  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  As Kate's and Interiot's edit counters are now seldom updated, I have updated the script on
//  Wikipedia:Edit counters to include a variable that allows you to specify which edit counter
//  you wish to use: Kate, Interiot, Essjay or Interiot's Tool2.
//  Please note that the Tool2 counter is not yet IE-compatible, so if you choose Tool2 and 
//  then click on the edit counter link with IE, a message will appear which will allow you to 
//  download Mozilla Firefox, which the Tool2 counter will work with. --Andrew
//  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Indicate where you would like "Kate" to appear:
//    pt-userpage, pt-mytalk, pt-preferences,
//    pt-watchlist, pt-mycontris, pt-logout
gsKateInsertBefore = 'pt-mycontris'; // leave blank to append after "logout"

function KateLink()
  // Modified by Andrew Havis (User:Andrewh) 18/7/2006 to use User:Interiot's Tool2 counter
  var user = document.getElementById( 'pt-userpage' );

  // Use which counter? Valid choices are "Tool2" or "Essjay" (recommended), "Kate" (slow) or "Interiot" (slow)
  var useCounter = 'Essjay';

  var li = document.createElement( 'li' ); = 'pt-kate';

    var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
      a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'My Edit Counter' ) ); // eh, the css makes the text lowercase
      switch (useCounter) {
       case 'Kate':
         a.href = '' + user;
       case 'Interiot':
         a.href = '' + user;
       case 'Essjay':
         a.href = '' + user;
       case 'Tool2':
        // Tool2 edit counter doesn't currently work in IE
        var isIE = document.all;
        if (!isIE) {
           a.href = '' + user;
        } // End if
        else {
           a.href = 'javascript:if (confirm("This edit counter currently does not work in Internet Explorer, but will work in Mozilla Firefox. Do you wish to download Firefox?")) {document.location.href="";}';
        } // End else
        a.href = 'javascript:alert("Invalid edit counter defined! Change the useCounter option in your monobook.js to correct this.");'
      } // End switch

    li.appendChild( a );

  if ( ! gsKateInsertBefore ) // append to end (right) of list
  {  document.getElementById( 'pt-logout' ).parentNode.appendChild( li );
  {  var before = document.getElementById( gsKateInsertBefore );
      before.appendChild( li, before );
   if ( window.addEventListener ) window.addEventListener( 'load', KateLink, false );
else if ( window.attachEvent      ) window.attachEvent   ( 'onload', KateLink );

//  </nowiki></pre>