Anduin Lothar

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Lord Anduin Lothar
Gender Male
Race Human
Character class Knight (Brotherhood of the Horse)
Affiliation The Alliance
Occupation Regent Lord of the Nation of Stormwind

Sir Anduin Lothar was a knight of the Kingdom of Stormwind on the continent of Azeroth in the Warcraft Universe. In Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, he was the most notable Alliance character, both appearing in game as well as narrating the Alliance story in the manuals. After the defeat of Azeroth and their king in Warcraft I, Lothar led his people and acted as diplomat to form the Alliance that allowed victory over the Horde in Warcraft II. His death near the end of Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, was a major revelation to long time fans, and has been honoured in Warcraft titles since.

[edit] Biography

Lothar leading his people to Lordaeron.
Lothar leading his people to Lordaeron.
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The last of the Arathi bloodline, Lothar was best friend to Medivh and King Llane Wrynn of Stormwind in their childhood days. During the time where Medivh suffered a coma due to the corruption of Sargeras' spirit, Lothar and King Llane Wrynn gave him constant companionship. After the coma ended, they stayed best friends; however their relationship became somewhat distant due to work and responsibilities (Medivh as a Guardian and Mage, Lothar as a Knight, King Llane as king of Stormwind).

When it was found out that Medivh had been corrupted by Sargeras and was in fact responsible for the Horde entering Azeroth, Lothar, together with a raiding party that included the archwizard Khadgar (then an Apprentice), and the half-orc assassin Garona, decided to free Medivh's soul once and for all by killing him.

In recognition of his services to his people, Sir Lothar became the Regent Lord of Stormwind, and led Stormwind's armies during the First War against the Horde. He was also known as the Champion of King Llane. Despite these efforts, the Horde overran Stormwind, and King Llane was assassinated by Garona. Lothar took the remnants of his people and set sail for the kingdom of Lordaeron. In King Terenas of Lordaeron, Lothar found a valuable ally, and they formed the alliance of Elves, Dwarves, humans and Gnomes to fight the Horde. Unfortunately, Lothar was killed during the closing battles in the Second War. It is suggested that he was ambushed while trying to achieve a truce with the Orcs. It is speculated that he was killed by Orgrim Doomhammer at Blackrock Spire. This fact has been confirmed, as in World Of Warcraft, there mention of Lothar being killed by Doomhammer. Lord Lothar's name lives on in the ten-year-old child-king of Stormwind, His Majesty King Anduin Wrynn I.

[edit] In the Warcraft games

Lothar first appears in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans in the Human campaign, where the player has to find and rescue him from captivity. In-game, his sprite is unique: a brown-haired swordsman with a shield. His icon also depicts him with brown hair.

Lothar then appears in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. After many mentions of him as a great leader, the player is shown his ambush and death on a certain Human mission. Contrary to popular belief, in-game, he is a knight and not a paladin. He has none of the magical abilities that the other paladins (including Uther the Lightbringer) possess. His icon depicts him with white hair and a bloody sword. In the expansion pack Beyond the Dark Portal, Turalyon the Paladin has "For Lothar!" as one of his unit responses.

In Warcraft III, a Footman unit will say "Uncle Lothar wants you!" after a certain number of clicks.

There are multiple references to Lothar in World of Warcraft. What is assumed to be Lothar's sword, Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood, makes an appearance in World of Warcraft as an epic two-handed sword that drops from the boss Nefarian in Blackwing Lair - upon hovering the cursor over the weapon's icon, under all its statistics it states "The initials A.L. are etched on the hilt.". By this, one can assume that Lothar was indeed killed at Blackrock Spire, for Nefarian is found at the highest point of Blackrock Spire, in the Blackwing Lair. There is also a statue dedicated to Lothar in the Burning Steppes, south of Blackrock Mountain, of him with his sword pointed against the spire of the mountain.

[edit] External links

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