Andrija Puharich

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Andrija Puharich , also known as Henry K. Puharich, (born February 19, 1918 in Chicago, IL, d. 1995), was a psychical researcher who is best know as the person who brought Uri Geller to the United States for scientific investigation. He also wrote a supportive biography Geller. Before that he investigated favorably the Brazilian psychic surgeon Arigo. He also discovered the psychic Peter Hurkos and brought him to the United States for experiments.

He studied devices emitting extremely low frequency ELF electromagnetic waves that he believed could affect the mind.

In 1983 he was granted a U.S. patent # 4,394,230 for a "Method and Apparatus for Splitting Water Molecules." This method would reportedly split water molecules into Hydrogen and Oxygen with a net energy gain, and is essentially a perpetual energy device that many believe violates the first law of thermodynamics.

[edit] Bibliography

  • The Sacred Mushroom early work of psycho-ethno-botany, connected religion to psychoactive fungi
  • Beyond Telepathy, intro by Ira Einhorn
  • Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller. Anchor Press / Doubleday
  • The Magnetic Model of Matter.

[edit] External links

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