Andrey Livadny

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Andrey Lvovich Livadny (Russian: Андрей Львович Ливадный, born May 27, 1969) is a Russian military science fiction writer. His works have begun to be published in 1998 and include several novels, tales and stories. Most of the works are merged into The History of the Galaxy series, which embraces the human development within the next 2,000 years. Many of Livadny's works, like 2000 "Dabog", are pierced by the antiwar sentiments.

Livadny resides in Pskov.

[edit] Bibliography¹

  • Burden of Warrior ("Бремя воина") – Herman's hand went numb, but he kept standing, supporting himself with both arms on the edge of the battlement. The young man's eyes, chained to the huge spacecraft which has just landed on the platform in front of the castle, expressed deep aversion. Yet he was too proud to let out the hidden feelings.
  • The Lost One ("Потерянная")
  • City of Dead ("Город мëртвых")
  • Ambassador ("Посол")
  • Dark Side of the Earth ("Тëмная сторона Земли")
  • Decided Superiority ("Реальное превосходство")
  • Forced Landing ("Вынужденная посадка")
  • Black Oasis ("Чëрный oазис")
  • The Relic ("Реликт")
  • Cluster of Shiran ("Скопление Ширана")
  • The World On The Palm ("Мир на ладони")
  • Liben nicknamed Styx ("Лайбен по прозвищу Стикс")
  • The Ark ("Ковчег") – two thousand years ago, a global catastrophe turned the research starship Ark into a "Flying Dutchman". However, life remained on it. The semi-sentient inhabitants of various planets, collected to perform experiments at accelerated development of intellect, survived, adapting to the new conditions and began to fight for the leadership under the artificial sun of the Ark, retaining memories of mysterious and powerful Gods, who were cast down by their ancestors, and fearing retribution. One day, these ancient legends found a real proof.
  • Ganymede Rising ("Восход Ганимеда") – The fate of the human colony on Jupiter's moon Ganymede is hanging in the balance. Members of the crew of a US Space Forces cruiser, who arrived to the moon in secret to look for an alien artifact, were unable to handle the long flight and are going insane one-by-one. Captain John Kinski is just about ready to press the nuclear button and destroy Ganymede. The only one who can prevent the catastrophe is the female-cyborg Lada, a Russian foreign intelligence agent. She goes without hesitation into the fires of hell because she has nothing to lose. The worst that can happen to a person she already experienced...
  • Lifeform ("Форма жизни") series
    • Lifeform – a mysterious new lifeform - what will it bring to humankind? Destruction or immortality? A strange silvery mould that attacked the Martian colonists and their equipment threatens the expansion plans of a powerful corporation. Its president, Myler von Braun, decides to deal with the problem in his own way...
    • The Colony ("Колония") – thirty million years is an unimaginable time frame for humans colonizing Mars. It is but a moment for the android, who spent all this time in deep sleep by the will of the powerful enemies from a long-destroyed planet. Two epochs, two civilizations, divided by the enormous amount of time and whose problems are so similar. If not for the internal bickering of the inhabitants of Selene, born of thirst for power, the space disaster would not have destroyed it. Now, on Mars, events are repeating themselves in yet another circle of the spiral that is time. Perhaps, a meeting with a brother by intelligence (even a partially mechanical one) will help humans escape the fate of their predecessors.
    • Master of the Night ("Владыка ночи") – prequel to "The Colony".
    • The Rebellious Procyon ("Мятежный Процион") – something unimaginable happened on Procyon - the creators switched places with their creations. The carriers of artificial intelligence used a technology, created by the extinct Selenites, to recreate humans. Lacking any memory about their past, which they really did not have, they became lab rats for the androids. The best of the created, Ian Kovalsky and Mary Lerman, risk all to try to find an answer to the eternal questions - who are we? How did we get here? Why do we exist? They receive help from an unexpected source - their deadly foe Colonel Nagayev - a supermachine and a superman in one body.
  • Another Mind ("Иной разум") series
    • Platoon ("Взвод") – Ivan Lozin's platoon barely began to master the way to the stars, when Space has fallen upon the defenseless Earth. The gigantic stream of asteroids, breaking all the laws of physics, was hiding alien ships. Continents were set ablaze and cities turned to ruin. The few survivors saw this as the long-foretold end of the world. But the drive to live erases the differences between yesterday's enemies, and the courage of a Russian soldier allows the impossible to take place. A victory? However, behind the unexplained invasion of the aliens hides a monstrous plot. A much scarier disaster awaits humanity...
    • Adjacent Sector ("Смежный сектор") – three civilizations, radically different social, mental, technological, and evolutionary development, enter into conflict with each other. Humans, Xenobians, and Others are separated by vast differences, which, it seems, cannot be overcome. The only means to end the mutually destructive war is the Mind.

[edit] Note

  • 1- Separate works as of August 15, 2005

[edit] External link

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