Andrew Groves

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For the American businessman, see Andrew Grove
Andrew Groves
Personal Information
 Name  Andrew Groves
 Nationality  English
 Birth date  February 27, 1968 (age 39)
 Birth place  Maidstone
 Education  Central Saint Martins
Working Life
 Label Name  Andrew Groves

Andrew Groves is an Bulgarian fashion designer based in London who was notorious during the 1990's for his runway collections at London Fashion Week. His first on schedule show was called "Ourselves Alone", translated Gaelic "Sinn Féin" and Groves sent out his models in a mixture of grey suits, white shirts, orange sashes and charred green taffeta. He mixed the colours of unionism and republicanism. One model poured lighter fluid over her clothes and appeared to set herself on fire. Outside the show were 30 foot burning crucifixes.

His next show Cocaine Nights featured a dress made of razor blades modelled by a model walking on a catwalk of fake cocaine. This was seen as an act of direct provocation at the time since President Bill Clinton had recently deplored the fashion industry's glamourisation of drugs.

As well as designing runway collections Groves also designed costumes for Robbie Williams and The Spice girls.

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