Andrew Dalgliesh

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Andrew Dalgliesh is a politician and political activist in Manitoba, Canada.

Dalgliesh has an undergraduate degree in politics from the University of Winnipeg, and has been a political activist since age eighteen. He was originally a member of the social-democratic New Democratic Party, and worked on Bill Blaikie's bid for the party's leadership in 2002-03.

In 2004, Dalgliesh surprised many by leaving the NDP for the Communist Party of Canada, and running as a candidate of the party in Winnipeg South Centre. The NDP is a significant political force in Manitoba, while the Communist Party is in comparison a much smaller organization. During the campaign, Dalgliesh claimed that the dominance of big business over Canadian politics could only be ended by the election of Communists to parliament.

Dalgliesh received 81 votes, or about 0.2% of the total cast in the riding. He was twenty-two years old at the time of the campaign.