Andrew Brough

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Andrew Brough is a guitarist from Dunedin, New Zealand.

Brough first became known as the leader of Dunedin sound three-piece The Orange, but is better known as guitarist and vocalist alongside Shayne Carter in Straitjacket Fits, a role he held from 1987 (prior to the Fits' first release) until 1992, when left the group following the tour to support their second album, Melt.

Known for his '60s influences, Brough is a gifted singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He is best known for the Fits track "Down in Splendour", a cascading melodic wall of sound that was voted among the top 20 New Zealand tracks of all time. His sweeter voice provided a contrasting countrp[oint to Carter's harsher vocals on many early Straitjacket Fits songs.

Brough has largely been out of the music scene ever since, his inability to produce a larger body of work disappointing many. He emerged in the mid 1990s with his own band Bike, which also showed his love of classic 1960s pop. Since that bands only album Take in the Sun, Brough has been largely silent. He refused to take part in the Fits 2005 reunion and his only musical outlet has been writing tunes for Australian soap operas. He currently (as of 2006) lives in North East Valley, Dunedin.