Andres Küng

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Andres Küng (September 13, 1945December 10, 2002) was a Swedish journalist, writer, entrepreneur and politician of Estonian origin. He was born in Ockelbo in Gävleborg County to a family of emigreés from Soviet occupied Estonia.


[edit] Career

[edit] Literature

As he himself has noted, Küng has "published more than 50 books, most on the Baltic States, thousands of articles and held innumerable lectures on why Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania should (and would) become independent again."

[edit] Politics

Küng was active in both Swedish politics (member of the People's Party - Liberals) and Baltic emigré activities. He was the chairman of the Liberal Students Club of Stockholm between 1966 and 67. Later, he served as the Deputy Board member of the People's Party Youth League. During 1970-71, he was the acting Deputy member 1982 of Riksdag. Küng also participated in the Estonian Liberal Party in exile and several other organisations and campaigns for Baltic struggle for independence. [1]. He was a member of the party board for the Swedish Liberal Party from 1982 until 1991.

[edit] Bibliography

  • Sverige och Estland: äntligen goda grannar? (Historia i dag) ISBN 9124164739
  • Bruce Olson: Missionary or colonizer?, 1981 ISBN 0915684837
  • Vindens barn: Om medlöperi förr och nu, 1983 ISBN 917566030X
  • A dream of freedom: Four decades of national survival versus Russian imperialism in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, 1940-1980 ISBN 0906967058
  • Kommunismen och Baltikum, 1999 ("Communism and the Baltic States", see online
  • Ett liv för Baltikum : journalistiska memoarer. - Stockholm : Timbro, 2002. - 351 s. : ill. - ISBN 91-7566-530-1 (Estonian edition: Baltikumile elatud aastad : ajakirjaniku mälestused. - Tallinn, Olion, 2002.)

For the complete list, see [2].

[edit] External links

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