Andreas Kinneging

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Andreas Kinneging
Andreas Kinneging

Andreas A.M. Kinneging (February 26, 1962 in Eindhoven) is professor of legal philosophy at the University of Leiden, and the most prominent conservative philosopher in The Netherlands.


[edit] Background

Kinneging is raised in a Catholic family in the Dutch province of Zeeland. He studied political science at the Catholic University of Nijmegen, graduating with the highest honors. Upon graduation he worked for nine months at the Dutch Ministry of Finance.

[edit] Classical-liberal period

Kinneging then accepts a position with the B.M. Teldersstichting, a think-tank affiliated with the liberal party VVD. In his years with the Teldersstichting, Kinneging is a prolific and influential author of many studies and books on the philosophy of classic liberalism.

In the early 1990s, Kinneging becomes increasingly dissatisfied with classical liberalism. He believes that the VVD is intellectually increasingly pedestrian. He also strongly disagrees with the drift toward social-liberalism within the party. Kinneging finally cancels his membership of the VVD party in 1999.

[edit] University career

Kinneging returns to the university after working for the Teldersstichting for some years. In the late 1980s, he joins the Government department of the University of Leiden as an assistant professor, where he taught such students as the later member of parliament Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and conservative activist Joshua Livestro.

In 1996 Kinneging moves to the law school of the University of Leiden, the oldest and most prestigious of Dutch law schools. Kinneging is quickly promoted to associate professor and accepts a chair in legal philosophy as full professor on Augustus 1, 2004. He specializes in legal philosophy, political philosophy, ethics, axiology, deontology and constitutional theory.

[edit] Aristocratic political thought

Kinneging received his PhD, with the highest honors, on October 1, 1994 with an English-language book entitled Aristocracy, antiquity and history - an essay on classicism in political thought, later published by Transaction Books. The book criticizes the standard literature on Modernity, by pointing out that remnants of classical wisdom - e.g. the ethics of honor - stayed with us for much longer than commonly thought. The book emphasizes Romans over Greeks. Following the trail of Herbert Butterfield (The Whig Interpretation of History), Kinneging rejects the teleologial study of the past.

Confirmed by a wave of recent historical studies (e.g. Jonathan Dewald's "European Nobility") Kinneging holds that the nobles, and thus Roman political and social models, were dominant much longer than suspected. The book is especially esteemed for its central cluster of chapters, which analyze the political and social thought of the Romans, Cicero in particular, in great detail.

[edit] Discovery of Conservatism

Writing his dissertation strengthens the process of an intellectual 'conversion' that gradually turns Kinneging from a right-wing liberal into a classical conservative, who reaches back for the intellectual traditions of Greco-Roman antiquity and Judeo-Christian ethics. From 1999 Kinneging starts a public debate in The Netherlands devoted to the resusciation of conservatism, which culminately in the founding of the highly successful think-tank and educational group the Edmund Burke Stichting, of which Kinneging becomes President.

[edit] Phenomenology of Virtue

The post-dissertation Kinneging focuses especially on virtue ethics. He also discovers the school of realist phenomenology characterized by such philosophers as Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler, Nicolai Hartmann, Adolf Reinach, Dietrich von Hildebrand, Aurel Kolnai, Edith Stein and others. Kinneging edits a new edition of Nicolai Hartmann's Ethics (in three volumes, 2001-2004). In 2005 a new book is published in Dutch, entitled "Geography of Good and Evil", a collection of essays written in the preceding decade. In 2006 Kinneging writes a new book, again in Dutch, on "Education in crisis".

[edit] Positions

Kinneging is president of the Board of the Edmund Burke Stichting, the well-known Dutch conservative group.

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