Andrea Cornaro

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Andrea Cornaro (died 1323) was the husband of Maria dalle Carceri, daughter of Albert Pallavicini. He married Maria in 1312 and co-governed her half of the marquisate of Bodonitsa until his death.

Cornaro was a Venetian and a Cretan, baron of Skarpanto. After Albert's death, Bodonitsa was divided between his wife Maria and his daughter Guglielma. The latter married Bartolomeo Zaccaria. Cornaro was sought out by Maria in order to defend her and her daughter's rights to Bodonitsa in light of the recent Battle of Halmyros, which had completely upended the political structure of Frankish Greece.

Having married an heiress of Euboea, Cornaro tended to reside there. He had to weather an invasion by the Catalan Company and the Duchy of Athens under Alfonso Fadrique. During that war, Bartolomeo was captured and carted off to a Sicilian prison. In 1319, Cornaro, with Venice, made a treaty with the Catalans. He was constrained to pay an annual tribute of four destriers to the vicar general of Athens. Four years later, he died.

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