Andalusian nationalism

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Monument to Blas Infante, Father of Andalusia, erected in the same place where he was executed without trial by Fascist rebels in 1936
Monument to Blas Infante, Father of Andalusia,[1] erected in the same place where he was executed without trial by Fascist rebels in 1936

Andalusian nationalism or Andalusian regionalism, sometimes referred as Andalucismo in Spanish, is the name given to the political movement in Spain advocating the recognition of Andalusian people as a "nation". It is considered to be represented primarily by the Andalusian Party[2] but there are also lesser political organisations that identify with Andalusian nationalism. Some political forces without parliamentary presence like Nación Andaluza and Asamblea Nacional de Andalucía may be found advocating independentism.


[edit] Brief History

The predecessor of Andalusian nationalism is the peasant anarchism of 19th century. During the reign of Isabella II of Spain, Andalusia was a hotbed of anarchist insurgency. Later, these anarchist cores became protagonists in conflicts between local people and Madrid.

With the declaration of the First Spanish Republic in 1873, various nationalist currents began to emerge in Andalusia. In 1883, an assembly gathered at Antequera drafted a Constitution styling Andalusia as an autonomous republic inside a federal state (República Andaluza o Estado libre o autónomo de Andalucía, in Spanish).[3] This constitution is known as Constitución Federal de Antequera.

Blas Infante, a Georgist idealist and founder of modern Andalusian nationalism,[4] initiated an assembly at Ronda in 1918. This assembly adopted a charter based on Antequera Constitution and also adopted the current flag and coat of arms as "national symbols".[5] During the Second Spanish Republic, the Andalucismo was represented by the Junta Liberalista, a federalist political party led by Infante.

Andalusian nationalism was revived when Alianza Socialista de Andalucía or ASA (Socialist Alliance of Andalusia) was founded in 1971, at the last period of Francoism in Spain. Andalusian nationalism drew limited but considerable support from the western part of Andalusia, particularly from provincial capitals like Cádiz and Seville.

[edit] The road to autonomy

After dictator Francisco Franco's death, the new Spanish Constitution of 1978 established in its Article 2 the right of "regions and historic nationalities"[6] to self government. This followed a popular outcry in Andalusia for its own right to autonomy, with a total of over a million and a half people demonstrating in the streets of most Andalusian town and cities on 4 December 1977, while the constitution was still being drafted. This campaign would lead to the inclusion of two articles regarding autonomy in the finished constitution text: Article 143, which would give all Spanish regions the chance to become autonomous communities, with fewer devolved powers; and Article 151, that would set the roles of autonomous communities with a higher degree of autonomy.

Article 151 was automatically applicable to the so-called historic nationalities, which have previously enjoyed autonomy during the Second Spanish Republic, as reflected in the Spanish Constitution of 1931.[7] Nevertheless, this article also offered the possibility of other regions or nationalities accessing the same level of autonomy if approved on referendum.

A separate statute of autonomy for Andalusia had been written by Blas Infante and submitted, approved by parliament in June 1936, to be voted in referendum in September 1936. However the start of the Civil War in July and the assassination of Infante by Franco's rebels in August of the same year put an end to the autonomist project for Andalusia.

In spite of this, Andalusia was never recognised as a "historic nationality" in the 1978 constitution. This caused a great deal of indignation at the time and fired the fuse of a popular campaign which would lead to a successful referendum vote on 28 February 1980 that required a supermajority. Andalusia would still have to wait two more years of political turmoil and unfulfilled promises by the central government to join the Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia on earning its right to a higher degree of autonomous government.[8] The new Estatute of Autonomy was approved by the Spanish parliament in 1981.[9]

A proposal for the reform of the Estatute of Autonomy for Andalusia was finalised by the Andalusian Parliament on May 2006.[10] After being debated and posteriorly approved in the Spanish Parliament, the original wording of the statute was amended to define Andalusia as a "Nacionalidad" (Historic Nationality). This has led to severe criticism by the Andalusist Party and other political forces for falling short of the steps taken in the 2006 Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, where this territory defined itself as a Nation.

The amended text was approved by both the Senate of Spain and the Congress of Deputies of Spain[11] and was voted in referendum on February 18th 2007. [12]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ (Spanish) Parliament of Andalusia: Blas Infante, Father of Andalusia [1]
  2. ^ The Andalucista Party was originally known as Partido Socialista de Andalucía or Socialist Party of Andalusia (Not to be confused with the regional branch of PSOE, known as PSOE-A). It was born out of the Asamblea Socialista of Andalucía but later on it dropped the denomination socialist and veered to the political centre.
  3. ^ Article 1, Constitution for Andalusia, drafted by the Asamblea de Antequera
  4. ^ Blas Infante is considered as the Father of the Andalusian Fatherland (Padre de la Patria Andaluza), officially recognised in Law 6/83, passed by the Andalusian Parliament on 13-14 April 1983
  5. ^ (Spanish) Junta de Andalucía: Symbols of Andalusia [2]
  6. ^ Understood as those regions where a language other than Spanish was also spoken
  7. ^ The Basque Country, Catalonia and Galicia, till the Spanish Civil War crushed this experiment.
  8. ^ (Spanish) El Mundo: Especial "La España de las Autonomías" [3]
  9. ^ (Spanish) The Statute of Autonomy for Andalusia was approved by "Ley Orgánica 6/1981, de 30 de diciembre, Estatuto de Autonomía para Andalucía", published in Boletín Oficial del Estado n. 9, 11 January 1982. As for "Decreto Ley 11/1978" a provisional Autonomous Government (Junta de Andalucía preautonómica) had already been created.
  10. ^ (Spanish) Parliament of Andalusia: Proposal for the Reform of the Statute of Autonomy [4]
  11. ^ (Spanish) Proposal for the Reform of the Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia [5]
  12. ^ (Spanish) Orden PRE/3908/2006, de 22 de diciembre, por la que se da publicidad al Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros por el que se autoriza la convocatoria del referéndum para la reforma del Estatuto de Autonomía de Andalucía [6]

[edit] See also

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[edit] History

[edit] Political Parties and Unions

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