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Name and Origin

Angelo (pronounced An-Jello; Arabic An-Jello; Mandarin An-Jello (pretty much, just An-Jello any way you slice it) Mark (Strictly not Marco--it would be a blatent lie) Beatrice (BEE-ah-TREE-Che (as in Che Guevara)

Born in Calchenesse, Scotland to 1979 Scottish 'principessa' runner-up, Eleanor Wallace Mitchell Baines Walker-Meszaros and his father, a former hitman for Mussalini, Diadoro Puma Adidas Nike Pony NewBalance Lotto Kappa Diesel-Beatrice (see: orange juice).

Angelo was born in a stable (urban legend suggests he requested this from the womb because he wanted to be born at the same location as his hero and person for whom Christmas was named: Gennaro Gattuso (see: horse). It is also said that he was born with a full head of hair--bystanders said that is was longer than that of a pony, thus coining the term 'Pony Tail' (see: Janice Dickenson on what 'coining' a word means).

Early Childhood Friendship

It is said that Brother Beatrice (see: life as a monk in the mountains of Turin, Zambodia) was already born with many friends. Amoung them: Piazza, Spitface, Nonno, Dick (see: Portuguese word for penis), Pasteli (see: retardation), and many more. It is also said just by a flick of the pony tail, or a wink of an eye, or a brush of a thumb accross the cheek (see: Italian tradtions), Angelo Beatrice can make friends (see: Giovanni; see: homosexuallity; see: no, it isn't right for men to kiss other men; see: if you had convultions and woke up with his mouth on your penis, then he's not just a 'friend', nor does 'everybody do it').

Early Soccer Career

See: number that comes before 1.

Juventus (JEW-Vent-US) Fan Career

See: Serie B

Professional Singer

Angelo enjoyed incredible success with his childhood hero, Sugar (see: Zucchero). Together they former the group Sugar n' Spice (see: Salt n' Peppa). Eventually the group broke up because of unreckoncilable differences (Brother Beatrice was upset that his name came second within the title of the group, as well as text messaging taking up most of his time). On Sugar's part, he was becoming ever more upset with Angelo's calling him of 'salt', which he saw as racist.

Discography: -Mix, Mix, Text Message Mix -Mix, Mix, Zuccharo, Mix -As Long as you text Me -Text, Text, Text (see: N-Sync) -The Speed of Text -Red Hot Chili Texter -Sweet Home Ala-Text -I'm Text, Dah ba dee da bah day -Just Text it, Text It (see: Michael Jackson) -I like to Text it, Text it -(Text) Message in a Bottle -Texts Don't Lie -Cars -It's Raining Texts -R.E.S.P.E.C.T-That's how I like to text for free -Silent Text, Holy Text -I once received a Text from Nantucket -MMMM-Text

Image:Jade1111.JPEG Image:Anchal.jpg Image:Zuk.jpg

Famous Duet's With: -Sugar's Brother, Aspartame-amichi--'Low-Carb Lover'; and 'Jared' -Anchal--- 'You're one, two, six times a egg; and, Run-Out'; and 'Old-School Bollywood'; and 'I've got your bolls, you've got my wood' -Jade--- 'Versitile'; and, 'Thank You so much for believing in me'; and, 'Man-Eater-no, seriously' -Del Piero (see: DP, as in Double Penetration)--- 'Legitimate Mafia' -Samsung--- 'Text me When You're Down' -Papi 'Dirty' Sanchez--- 'Text Me in Miami, Bienvenido a Miami (see: Place of Angelo's birth) -Aventur-ino--- '(Text) Obcession [Text-Click Miami Mix]'

Football Career

See: Above--But Less.

Life as a Professional Text Messager (See: whipped)

Results due to Text Messaging: Fights with Mother; whippage; car accidents; games getting stolen by brother (see: muscles), convultions, broken ankle, waking up with Giovanni's mouth on his penis, lack of sleep, bad grades, homosexuality, thumb rubbage of the cheek, and so forth (see: Michael Jackson and Children at Neverland)

Image:RTM Text Message.JPG

Love Life

Sister Angelo was celebate until the tender age of 39 (See: 40 year old Virgin; see: total loser). At this time, Angelo fell in love with a Hotel Hostess on the tiny Greek island of Hamilton, Ontario.

Influence on Angelo's life: See: above, with the addition of high phone bills.

Professional Soccer Career in Argentina See: Kicked off team

Professional Soccer Career in Italy

Calcionese and Calchetta Player of the Summer as name by the Special Olympics (very special in Italy)

Famous people with which he played with: Giovanni (see: head; mouth to penis; homosexuality), Pasqual (see: Thumb Rubbage across cheek), Giuseppie (see: MIAMI Mee-AHH-Mee)

Quircky Facts

-Professional Text Messager -Enjoys long walks on the beach--while text messaging -Once killed a man-in a videogame -Member of the Texter-Annonymous Society -Avid Xbox player--or at least would be had his brother not sold them to fund his protein addiction