Anchorhead Story of Star Wars

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The Anchorhead Story of Star Wars refers to a subplot from the original script of Star Wars that involved Luke Skywalker on Tatooine. The sequence was filmed, but edited out of the final cut. The scenes offered a glimpse into Luke's life and friends, and also introduced the character of Biggs Darklighter, who still appears in the released version of the film as a doomed X-Wing fighter pilot in the Battle of Yavin.

George Lucas has stated that these scenes were deleted because he wanted to portray the first section of the film through the perspective of the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO, and to have their encounter with Luke be the first time we meet the protagonist. These cut scenes were never restored in any of the subsequent revisions of Episode IV. However, these scenes can be viewed in the Star Wars: Behind the Magic CD-ROM.


[edit] Synopsis

Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Fixer (Anthony Forrest), Camie (Koo Stark) and Biggs Darklighter (Garrick Hagon) outside of the Tosche Power Station in a cut scene from  Star Wars.
Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Fixer (Anthony Forrest), Camie (Koo Stark) and Biggs Darklighter (Garrick Hagon) outside of the Tosche Power Station in a cut scene from Star Wars.

The scenes begin in the desert of Tatooine. The audience is first introduced to Luke Skywalker as he and the Treadwell droid WED-15-77 repair a moisture vaporator on the outskirts of his Uncle Owen’s moisture-farm. Luke observes the battle between the Tantive IV and the Star Destroyer through his macrobinoculars and tells the droid that he has to go to Tosche Station to tell his friend Fixer of this discovery. Luke jumps into his landspeeder, leaving behind the malfunctioning droid. This scene would have played after the Tantive IV was first boarded by Stormtroopers, but before the introduction of Darth Vader.

The next scene in this series of cut scenes show Luke’s landspeeder racing into the city of Anchorhead, nearly hitting an old woman. Luke runs into Tosche Station, where he finds his friends Fixer, Camie, Deak, and Windy. He also discovers that his old friend Biggs Darklighter has returned unexpectedly from the Imperial Academy for a visit. Luke enthusiastically tells his friends of the starship battle that he saw in the sky, but is met with skepticism. Biggs, Fixer and Camie follow Luke to the roof of Tosche Station to observe the starship battle through Luke’s macrobinoculars. However, by this time the battle of the Tantive IV has finished, and Biggs declares that the two visible ships were probably only docking, due to the fact that Tatooine lacks any orbiting docking-stations. Biggs and Fixer both tell Luke that not only is the rebellion far away, but that Tatooine is too remote a location to ever interest the Empire. Camie is particularly antagonistic, shoving Luke’s macrobinoculars into his chest. These scenes would have originally followed the scene in which R2-D2 and C-3PO flee the Tantive IV via their escape pod, but before the capture of Princess Leia.

The final scenes of this sequence involves a dialogue between Luke and Biggs alone outside Tosche Station. While the two old friends reminisce, Biggs informs Luke that he plans to desert the Empire and join the Rebellion. Biggs has become disenchanted with the Empire while studying at the Imperial Academy, and plans to go AWOL from his first assignment as First Officer of the Rand Ecliptic. Luke has also desired to leave Tatooine and attend the Imperial Academy, and Biggs' admission shocks Luke. The two say their farewells, after Biggs tries to convince Luke that people need to take a stand against the Empire. This scene would have been placed following C-3PO’s initial sighting of the Jawa sandcrawler, but before the Jawa's capture of R2.

[edit] Cast

Laze "Fixer" Loneozner (Anthony Forrest) with Camie (Koo Stark) at Tosche Station.  Deak, Windy and Biggs Darklighter can be seen in the backroom.
Laze "Fixer" Loneozner (Anthony Forrest) with Camie (Koo Stark) at Tosche Station. Deak, Windy and Biggs Darklighter can be seen in the backroom.
Actor Role
Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker
(––) WED-15-77
(unknown) Old Woman of Anchorhead
Anthony Forrest Laze “Fixer” Loneozner
Koo Stark Camie
Garrick Hagon Biggs Darklighter
Jay Benedict Deak
(unknown) Windy

Although Warren Berlinger may have played the role of Windy, this cannot be confirmed by any source and is not helped by the obscurity of Windy’s character in his one short scene.

[edit] Significance

Because the Anchorhead Story was edited out of Star Wars, and never restored to any of the revised "Special Edition" versions, some Star Wars fans consider it non-canonical in the Star Wars universe. However, the story is preserved in the novelization of the film and was portrayed in the Marvel Comics version of the story, as well as the National Public Radio version of the story. Furthermore, nothing in these scenes contradicts the canonical world of Star Wars.

In addition, some of the characters have played a minor role in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, such as Fixer and Camie, who eventually get married on Tatooine. This suplot is also referenced in Episode IV in a short dialogue between Luke and his Uncle Owen, where Owen responds to Luke’s wish to go to Anchorhead by commenting that Luke "can waste time with [his] friends [at Tosche Station] when [his] chores are done."

[edit] Character development

[edit] Luke Skywalker

The Anchorhead Story first introduces the audience to a young Luke Skywalker, whose enthusiasm and interest in the events taking place in the universe stands in stark contrast with the apathy of his friends. The antagonism of Luke’s friends towards his starship battle-claim belie their myopic view of life – a view constrained to Tatooine.

[edit] Biggs Darklighter

The subplot also effectively introduces the character of Biggs Darklighter, who, in contrast with Luke’s other friends, represented a positive role model (a type of big brother), and symbolized the hope that existed outside of Tatooine. Biggs would later play a small, but important, role in the battle of Yavin, where he served alongside Luke as an X-Wing fighter pilot. In the hangar bay before the battle, Biggs commends Luke’s ability as a pilot to a superior officer. Later, in battle, during the final run on the Death Star, Biggs heroically sacrifices his life in order to enable Luke’s X-Wing to get in position for his final torpedo launch.

[edit] Trivia

  • Anthony Forrest, who appeared as Fixer, also played the stormtrooper on whom Obi-Wan performs the Jedi mind trick.
  • Garrick Hagon, who played the role of Biggs Darklighter, has participated in Star Wars conventions, becoming a favorite among many die-hard Star Wars fans.
  • Koo Stark, who played Camie, was a notable soft-porn actress who starred in Emily (film) (1976) and Cruel Passion (1977). In addition to Star Wars, Stark also had an uncredited role in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Stark would later appear in the tabloids as Prince Andrew's illicit love-interest.
  • Jay Benedict, who played the role of Deak, also had a small part in another science-fiction classic, Aliens. Like Star Wars, his scene was cut from the original theatrical release. However, it was restored in the special-edition director’s cut of the film. Benedict played the part of Russ Jorden, Newt's father, and the discoverer (and first victim) of the Alien brood.

[edit] References

  • Lucas, George. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Del Rey, 2004
  • Lund, Kristen, et al. Star Wars: Complete Locations. DK, 2005

[edit] External links