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Anchiano is a village in the comune of Vinci, Italy.

Here, in a farmhouse, on 15 April 1452, Leonardo was born. His full name was "Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci", which means "Leonardo, son of Piero, from Vinci". Anchiano is a little area near Vinci, on the Chianti hills of Tuscany. It is a rural zone where there are a little number of houses, and where there is the born house of Leonardo Da Vinci. It is about 3 Km far from Vinci. The born house of Leonardo is located between Anchiano and Faltognano. The landscapes of Anchiano are the same that Leonardo saw in the first years of his life, thanks by the lacked urbanization of this zones that they are remained the same ones in the centuries. The landscapes are made by vineyards and olive groves, and along the little street from Vinci, to Anchiano,there is some house that is met very rarely.

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Coordinates: 43°49′N 10°46′E

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