An-Nisa, 24

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Nikah Mut'ah

– a discipline of Islamic marital jurisprudence

Hadith regarding its legality
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An-Nisa (Arabic: النّساء‎) is the fourth chapter of the Qur'an, and this article is about its twenty-fourth verse, the controversial verse that has been called "the verse of Mut'ah" [1], due to its reference to Nikah Mut'ah, a temporary marriage form legalized during the era of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.


[edit] Overview

The verse can be broken into three parts:

The first part of the verse is a continuation from the previous verse. The middle part states that the non-mentioned woman are lawful, provided that the criteria for marriage is fullfilled. The last part of the verse addresses Nikah Mut'ah, and therefore is the entire verse known as "the verse of Mut'ah" [1]

[edit] Exegis

[edit] First part

Regarding the first part, Ibn Kathir, a 14th century Sunni Islamic scholar writes in his Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Azim [2]:

The tradition in Sahih Muslim dates the verse to the Battle of Hunayn in 8 AH (629630) [3]

[edit] Second part

This part is often referred to in the Muslim controversies related to Nikah Mut'ah by Salafi Sunnis to mean that Nikah Mut'ah is forbidden, since this verse demands chatiry, implying that Nikah Mut'ah is immoral [4].

[edit] Third part

It is reported that several Sahaba including Abd-Allah ibn Mas'ud, Ubayy ibn Kab, Ibn Abbas and Jabir ibn Abd-Allah would read the verse as "Then as to those whom you profit by for a prescribed period (Ajol Masomee), give them their dowries as appointed", something that is included in numerous exegises [5]

Ibn Kathir, a 14th century Sunni Islamic scholar writes regarding the last part [6]:

The the first line of the above exegise is agree on by Shi'as, the rest is a Sunni only view. See Muslim controversies related to Nikah Mut'ah for the Shi'a-Sunni stance, or Hadiths regarding the legality of Nikah Mut'ah their view on the individual historical sources.

[edit] Shi'a view

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b [1]
  2. ^ site, offline as of 2006-09-29 Google Cache
  3. ^ Sahih Muslim 8:3432
  4. ^ [2]
  5. ^
    1. Tafseer Durre Manthur Volume2 P. 40 -
    2. Tafseer Tabari Volume 5 p. (14 & 15 ?) [3]
    3. Tafseer Kabeer Volume 3 p. 94
    4. Fathul Qadeer Volume 1 p. 14
    5. Tafseer Ibn Katheer Volume 1 p. 84
    6. Tafseer Ruh al Maani Volume 5 p.
    7. Tafseer Kashaf p. 20
    8. Tafseer Mazhari Volume2 p. 4
    9. Tafseer Ahkam al Quran Volume2 p. 47
    10. Tafseer Mu'alim al Tanzeel p. 63
    11. Mustadrak Al Hakim volume 2 p. 47
    12. Al Musahif by Abi Bakr Sijistani p. 3
    13. Tafseer Mawahib al Rahman page 4 part 5
    14. Tafseer Haqqani volume5 p.
    15. Tafseer Jama Al Bayan Volume1 p. 66
    16. Neel al Authar Volume2 p. 53 Kitab Nikah
    17. Tafseer Qurtabi Volume5 p. 30
    18. Dhurqani Sharh Muwatta Volume1 p. 54
    19. Kitab al Musahaf page 342
    20. Al Bahar al Maheet Volume 3 page 218
    21. Tafseer Maar Volume5 p. 5
    22. Tafseer Jama al Bayan Volume6 p. 9
    23. Tafseer Al Baghawi, Al Musami Mu'alim al Tanzeel, p. 414 [4]
    Also, Imam of Ahl as-Sunnah Abu Hayyan Andalusi in his commentary of Sharh Afhaq 'al Bahar al Maheet' Volume 3 page 218 states it. [5]
  6. ^
  7. ^ Furu al-Kafi Volume 5 page 452 (Tehran printed edition 1391 Hijri)[6]