Amos Rapoport

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Born in 1929 in Warsaw, Poland, Amos Rapoport is the author of the book House, Form & Culture - which talks about the various factors affecting house form.

Until his retirement in 2001, he taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he was a Distinguished Professor in the School of Architecture and Urban Planning. He is one of the founders of the field of Environment-Behavior Studies (EBS). His work has focused mainly on the role of cultural variables, cross-cultural studies, and theory development and synthesis. In addition to House, Form, and Culture he is the author of three other books and nearly 200 articles, papers, and chapters, as well as editor or co-editor of four books.

He has also taught at the University of Melbourne and Sydney (Australia), the University of California, Berkeley, and University College London. He has also held visiting appointments in Israel, Turkey, Great Britain, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, India, and Switzerland, among other places.