
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You may be interested in my contributions to Wikipedia.

I write and edit all kinds of articles. If there's something you don't like, talk to me about it. If there's something you would like me to write, talk to me about it. In the past I've translated some articles from the Swedish Wikipedia into English. I speak English, Finnish, Swedish, and French, with varying degrees of proficiency (highest to lowest, respectively).

I've been on the Internet since about 1995 or so. The first website I ever created was one about computer viruses, back in the popup-ad days of free web hosting. I've reincarnated the idea of such a website at, although it's severely lacking content. The backend is written in PHP and sports a custom XML & XSLT engine. You can find more info about my other projects at my homepage.

[edit] Countries I've been to

I have relatives there, so I've been there too many times to count.
I was born there, I try to visit every couple of years.
I passed through there on my way to Sweden from Paris in the summer of 2003. Copenhagen is a nice little city reminiscent of of my native Stockholm.
I stayed the night in a Hamburg hotel. I had one of the best plates of Shawarma in a small restaurant.
I have stayed in Amsterdam, and driven across the country. Lots of nice ethnic restaurants. One of the best plates of Shawarma eaten there.
I have been to Bruxelles. I visited Mini Europe, which was, well, very mini.
I have been to Paris, and drove up north to Belgium.
I have been to London.
I live here in the San Francisco Bay Area, California.
I visited at age one. I remember something about a red and yellow toy airplane.
I have visited Tijuana once, when I was on vacation in San Diego. Would like to explore more in the future.