American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

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The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), founded in December 1984, is the world's largest organization for cosmetic dental professionals.

The AACD stated mission is as follows: offering educational opportunities; promoting and supporting an accreditation credential; serving forum for the exchange of knowledge and ideas; and providing information to the public and the profession.

The AACD includes over 7600 practitioners, educators, researchers and laboratory technicians from 60 countries. This global perspective allows AACD members to gather information from the international field of cosmetic dentistry. With the formation of the Accreditation and Fellowship Programs, the AACD began offering postgraduate certification in cosmetic dentistry to both dentists and laboratory technicians.

[edit] American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry’s Charitable Foundation

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry’s Charitable Foundation’s (AACDCF) purpose is to serve the philanthropic efforts of the AACD. It maintains three programs: Give Back A Smile, The Give Back A Smile Whitening Program, and The Disaster Relief Fund.

[edit] External links