America Votes

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America Votes is a Democratic Party/liberal leaning 527 group political organization formed in July 2003 made up of a coalition of grassroots political groups to coordinate their work in the swing states in the Congressional and Presidential elections. It works to 'increase voter registration, education and participation in electoral politics'. Maggie Fox serves as President. She previously served as Deputy Executive Director of the Sierra Club, where she worked for over 20 years leading numerous national political and environmental campaigns on issues such as global warming and energy policy. She held a number of positions at the Sierra Club, including Director of the Southwest Regional Office and senior issues specialist on western public lands and resources. Beth Ganz is the Executive Director. Previously Beth Ganz served as Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado. Prior to that, she was the Mountain States Regional Political director for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). During the 2000 election cycle, Beth Ganz was the Executive Director and Coordinated Campaign Director for the Colorado Democratic Party. She managed Democrat Congresswoman Diana DeGetteā€™s first re-election campaign, achieving a 37-point victory in 1998. [1]

America Votes is a coalition of many of the most powerful liberal political organizations in the country. The coalition represents more than 20 million Americans and includes the leading advocates for the environment, civil and human rights, reproductive rights and labor. America Votes increases the number of registered liberal voters and provides them with more detailed information on the issues.

America Votes has offices Arizona, Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Washington, DC.

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