Wikipedia:AMA Requests for Assistance/Requests/November 2006/Mattisse

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Wikipedian filing request:

Other Wikipedians this pertains to:

Wikipedia pages this pertains to:


[edit] Questions:

Have you read the AMA FAQ?

  • Answer:yes

How would you describe the nature of this dispute? (policy violation, content dispute, personal attack, other)

  • Answer: They seem to be out to get me personally. They accused User:Timmy12 of being me and drove him off. They accuse me of being anti-pagan.

What methods of Dispute Resolution have you tried so far? If you can, please provide wikilinks so that the Advocate looking over this case can see what you have done.

  • Answer:They have filed numberous reports against me, several Checkusers, a recent RFC and numerous ANI's. I have defended myself some of the time. I filed some complaints and asked questions at the Technical Pump. Here I was stalked and my qestions demeed. Now the Cabal Mediator who was taken off the case is trying to block me. He was on the list above but I removed it as the first several times I tried to file I was sent to his page.

October 18, 2006

October 27, 2006

---What has happened since the original request for an Advocate in November (this is the middle of January now)--

Please, I beg of you that you familarise youself with recent events to avood actions that will increase the severity of the situation. I ask, please. This has been a horrible day, the kind I have been avoiding.

A short summary of events since November:

What do you expect to get from Advocacy?

  • Answer:Some tips to avoid these situations besides being afraid to do anything. Maybe some understanding of what is going on and a sense whether there is any hope.

In addition, I am adding that I do not want a deterioration of my situation as a result of Advocacyl It has been going on for five months without help. I have beem doing O.K. (as I have learned to accept the omnipresent ugliness on Wikipedia) but I forsee a worsening of this as of recent of events in the last few days.

Emphatically, I do want discussion and interchange. I do not what a cup of tea while my Advocate "asks around" about me. I am an adult.

[edit] Summary:

A group of people are protexting a specific group of articles. I blundered accidently into some of them when I was wikifying backlogs and tagged one for ADF. That is how it began in August. A group of people are protextion specific articles that spam Wikipedia. Specifically:

But if you look at my thousands of edits you will see that I edit a wide range. This group, and the people they have instigated are the only people, aside from a couple of cases, that has ever had a problem with my editing.

[edit] Discussion:

I was hoping to gain a better understanding of Wikipedia and how to function here. It appears now that this is not going to help me understand. I asked the Advocate to explain a message left on my talk page today and I do not understand the Advocate's explanation. He ignores my emails and my postings on his pagel It is obvious to me now that I don't have the techical abilities to operate at Wikipedia. I want to withdraw my request for an Advocate. Sincerely, Mattisse(talk) 02:23, 8 December 2006 (UTC)

So far I have been disappointed with my new Advocate, as my mew Advocate took it upon himself to advised me to have a cup of tea while he embarked, without any of the discussion indicated above that advocates engage in, on a series of actions that I deem to aggravate the situation by spreading my name openly on postings and edit summaries on Wikipedia. I wished a discussion and an understanding, not a cup of tea and unilateral actions on the Advocates part, disregarding me entirely as a person with experience of the situation, and with no discussion whatsoever.

[edit] Followup:

When the case is finished, please take a minute to fill out the following survey:

Did you find the Advocacy process useful?

  • Answer: No

Did your Advocate handle your case in an appropriate manner?

  • Answer: He made a few small comments on pages, telling other people to be polite but as far as the real issues, he did not address them. He may have done more, as I only found out about the few things he did do accidently. He did not teach me anything and I was hoping to learn. I only had a few interactions with him the whole time.

On a scale of 1 (worst) to 5 (best), how polite was your Advocate?

  • Answer: 5

On a scale of 1 to 5, how effective do you feel your Advocate was in solving the problem?

  • Answer: 1.5

On a scale of 1 to 5, how effective do you feel the Advocacy process is altogether?

  • Answer: can't answer -- I've never seen it in action.

If there were one thing that you would like to see different in the Advocacy process, what would it be?

  • Answer: That the Advocate interact directly with the person they are advocating for. My advocate never initiated contact me after the initial welcoming note. A couple of times I contacted him with questions and got short, superficial, uninformative answers. I do not want to be treated as a child. I wish the Advocate inform me of his actions and plans, to discuss things with me, to give me information. I do not like tea.

If you were to deal with this dispute again, what would you do differently, if anything?

  • Answer: The Advocate did not alter the dispute at all. It remains the same. If I knew a different way to deal with this dispute I would do it. I no longer have any hope that the joy in writing and editing at Wikipedia can return.

[edit] AMA Information

Case Status: under investigation

Advocate Status:

  • Accept, Addhoc 11:31, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

*Advocee taking a wikibreak. Addhoc 14:06, 8 December 2006 (UTC)

  • I am not taking a wikibreak as I understand what a wikibreak is, although perhaps I am wrong. I am withdrawing from the Advocacy program, is that called a wikibreak? Please clarify as I am seeking to learn and need to know about diffs and watchlists. So, very basically, I need to know if I am on wikibreak now. Have you put me on one? I though a wikibreak was a little banner a person could put on their user page voluntarily. I am requesting that you take me off wikibreak if you have put me on one. Sincerely, Mattisse 14:32, 8 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Sorry, I misunderstood. Addhoc 14:37, 8 December 2006 (UTC)
    • Closing this case - nothing more we can do, feel free to file another request or seek mediation, should the dispute still exist. Martinp23 18:34, 19 January 2007 (UTC)
  • Re-opening due to private request. I can't take the case because acting in the same case for another user. --Neigel von Teighen 14:07, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
  • I'm willing to give this a go. SilkTork 20:17, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
  • Contact made with all the major players. Dialogue engaged with Mattisse. Picture emerging. SilkTork 01:20, 23 January 2007 (UTC)
Not true. Several of the most important have not been contacted.
  • I have been requested to stop. Matters are on hold until advised otherwise. I may be asked to withdraw. SilkTork 08:28, 23 January 2007 (UTC)
  • I have not been asked to stop. However I am withdrawing from this case as I appear to have been the cause of some distress to Mattisse. SilkTork 18:17, 23 January 2007 (UTC)
  • Seems appropriate as I've just received a distressing correspondence from Mattisse. This case is in my hands until I figure out what's going on here. (Coordinator) אמר Steve Caruso (desk/AMA)Give Back Our Membership! 15:44, 6 February 2007 (UTC)