User:Alyeska/List of weapons in Halo 2

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See also List of weapons in Halo

There are two main sets of weapons in Halo 2: those of the UNSC and those of The Covenant. Though either can be wielded by members of either civilization, there are many notable differences between the two sets of weapons. Unless otherwise noted, all technical specifications are taken from Bungie endorsed documentation, such as game manuals.

The player is still limited to carrying two weapons (or three if the player dual wields weapons) at a time, in addition to up to 8 grenades (four fragmentation grenades and four plasma grenades), but the option to "dual wield" two one-handed weapons adds another combat strategy. It is noticeable that human AI characters always carry weapons with two hands, and therefore cannot dual wield, while the covenant AI hold weapons with one hand where possible, and therefore can dual wield.

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Master Chief with a BR55 Battle Rifle


[edit] Human weapons

In Halo, human weapons are mainly based on ballistics and explosives from chemical reactions. The effect of this is that they are less effective against shields and additionally need to be reloaded. Human weapons, however, cause more damage than plasma-based weaponry against unshielded targets. Thus, most human weapons that can be dual-wielded are most effective in conjunction with a plasma weapon, to cause maximum damage once the shields are brought down. Many of the weapons in Halo 2 underwent radical changes from their previous appearances in the first game. Bungie developers state that many of the human weapons in Halo 2 emulate the same purpose of use that they did in the original.

[edit] M6C Magnum Sidearm

The M6C is the standard issue sidearm of the UNSC. A simple recoil opperated 12 round semi-automatic pistol. Comes with 12 round magazine. Identical in firepower to its newer counterpart, the M6D. The M6C is a simpler weapon to maintain because it lacks the built in optics. Suitable firepower against unshielded/unarmored targets. Against Elites the M6C requires multiple headshots to even consider taking the target down.

[edit] M7A1 Sub Machine Gun

The M7 submachinegun is the primary PDW of the UNSC. While the M6C is the predominant sidearm, it lacks firepower. The M7 is actualy less powerful, but makes up for that in bulk. It is a caseless 5mm weapon with a 60 round magazine. Fold down forward grip and telescoping stock makes the M7 a compact but capable defensive SMG capable of high accuracy in short combat ranges. Where the MA5B is nearly uncontrolable in fully automatic, the M7 is remarkably easy to control and has relatively little recoil. This makes the weapon frightenly effective against shielded opponents in close combat situations. It has a very high rate of fire. It can down the shields of an Elite very quickly, but it takes extended fire to get damage through the armor. While effective against targets, it uses up lots of ammo to take down a target. Not designed as a front line weapon.

[edit] BR55A1 Battle Rifle

The BR55A1 Battle Rifle is sharp shooter weapon recently selected for use by the UNSC. It high-accuracy rifle with select fire capable of semi-automatic or three-shot bursts. It features a variable power scope. The BR55A1 was designed as a designated marksman weapon for the Marines. To create a more powerful and accurate weapon capable of hitting targets at long range while still providing adequate short-medium range firepower. The BR55A1 was specificaly designed to kill Elites quickly and take out Jackals. Just two bursts from the BR55 can take down the shields of an Elite and wound it.

[edit] M90 Mk.II Shotgun

The M90 Shotgun is a high-powered weapon close-range weapon. Like any shotgun, the M90 has a low rate of fire and a slow reload time. When used on a target at extreme close range, a shot from the M90 will most likely result in an instantaneous kill. As range increases, the M90 deals far less damage due to the spread of its pellets.

[edit] SRS99C-S2AM Sniper Rifle

The S2-AM Sniper rifle is long range weapon featuring a high accuracy digital scope (5x and 10x). It is a semi-automatic long bore rifle, and accepts magazines containing four 14.5mm fin stabilized discarding-sabot armor penetration tracer rounds. Its most physically recognizable trait aside from the digital scope is a muzzle brake mounted on the end of the bore to increase accuracy. The skin of this weapon is based on a combination of the Mechem NTW-20 and Barrett M82 series of firearms (mainly M82A1 and A3). Unlike the sniper rifle from Halo: Combat Evolved, there is no night vision mode.

[edit] M41 SSM MAV/AW Rocket Launcher

The M19 Rocket launcher fires explosive missiles which cause massive damage to anything near the impact zone. It utilizes a two round disposable magazine, and the user is capable of carrying up to three additional magazines. The M19 also features a 2x scope. Once locked on, the rockets track their target.

Frag Grenade
Frag Grenade

[edit] M9 HE-DP Fragmentation Grenade

The M9 Frag grenade is the standard grenade issued to UNSC Marines. A small amount of high explosive propels a large quantity of shrapnel at high velocity, which can cause a large amount of damage to nearby opponents. The M9 has a short delay before explosion, which is triggered by impact on a surface. Unlike the plasma grenades, the frag grenades also leave a trail of smoke after the initial explosion.

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Human Turret

[edit] M247A1 G.P.M.G. General Purpose Machine Gun

The UNSC M247 GPMG consists of a high-powered .30 Cal machine gun which can come in two varieties - portable and fixed. Portable versions can be found exclusively in campaign mode, whereas fixed placement turrets can be found on several maps in multiplayer combat. Like vehicles in Halo, turrets have unlimited ammunition and are not reloaded. Turrets can be destroyed through explosives or normal weapon fire.

[edit] Covenant Weapons

Covenant weapons reduce shields and fire faster than their human counterparts. Many Covenant weapons will overheat if fired too often. Any plasma weapon has an unrechargeable battery instead of a magazine. After its ammunition is exhausted, the weapon operates like any other weapon out of ammunition - it only can be used for melee attacks.

There are several Covenant weapons that are new to Halo 2, including the Covenant Carbine, Particle Beam Rifle, Brute Shot, Energy Sword, and Fuel Rod Gun.

[edit] Plasma pistol

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Plasma Pistol

The Covenant Plasma Pistol is a medium range weapon which launches superheated Plasma at a target. It may fire in rapid, single shots, or the trigger may be held down to build up a large charge which, upon contact, will instantly drain an enemy's shields. If the target is not shielded it will cause a low amount of physical damage. In campaign mode, lower-ranking Covenant are most often equipped with a plasma pistol. Like all plasma weapons, the plasma pistol can overheat if used too rapidly. A fully charged plasma blast will loosely home in on any hostile unit that is targeted.

[edit] Plasma Rifle

The Plasma rifle is a medium range weapon which launches superheated plasma. It is an automatic weapon, though it overheats if used for an extended period of time. There are two varieties of plasma rifle: Elite and Brute. The Elite version (blue) is slightly more accurate, though it fires slightly slower. The Brute plasma rifle (red) tends to cause greater damage but overheats far faster than its counterpart due to its higher rate of fire.

[edit] Needler

The Needler is a Covenant weapon which fires explosive "needle" quills, which impale themselves into their target. These needles home slightly on their intended target. Unlike other weapons in the Halo arsenal, the Needler does not cause damage on impact - rather the needles have a slight delay in before they burst. If no target is present the needles spread out randomly as they leave the weapon, but will home in on a hostile target found within a reasonable distance. Depending on the angle of impact they also have a tendency to bounce off of many non-organic surfaces, including vehicles, rather than stick into them.

[edit] Carbine

The Carbine is a substantially different weapon than other Covenant weapons. It fires high-density radioactive projectiles rather than plasma and uses fuel rods instead of continuous stream. The Carbine has many of the same properties and strategies associated with it as the human Battle Rifle, and the pistol from Halo:CE, as it features a scope with a 2x zoom. Unlike the Battle Rifle, however, the Carbine fires single shots at a time, not a three round burst. Unlike most Covenant weapons, it must be reloaded.

[edit] Particle Beam Rifle

The Particle Beam Rifle is a Covenant sniper rifle which fires a accelerated highly accurate particle beam. However, rather than a magazine of ammunition, it has a continuous feed of ammo. Like other Covenant weapons, the Beam Rifle can overheat if shots are fired too quickly. Similarly to its human counterpart, it features a 5x and a 10x zoom.

[edit] Fuel Rod Cannon

The Fuel Rod Cannon is an explosive weapon found only in campaign mode. It features a 2x scope for increased accuracy over long distances. It carries five rounds of radioactive fuel rods at a time with a reserve of five magazines. It is comparable to the UNSC rocket launcher, the shots are not quite as strong, but the weapon does have a larger magazine and increased rate of fire. Its shots follow a path that arcs slightly. This weapon is usually found equipted on a hunter's arm or weilded by a grunt weapon specialist. (Note: those type of grunt wear green armor.)

[edit] Brute Shot

The Brute Shot is an explosive-project launcher. The projectiles themselves are bouncy, and depending on angle of impact, they may deflect off of inorganic surfaces before exploding. There are 4 HE grenades in a Brute shot, but the most noticeable feature is the blade for use in melee combat.

[edit] Plasma Grenade

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Plasma Grenade

The Covenant plasma grenade is an explosive plasma device. It possesses the unique ability to stick to certain objects such as players and vehicles by coating itself with a thin layer of plasma and melting into its target. Like its counterpart, the frag grenade, there is a delay which is triggered upon striking an object.

[edit] Energy sword

The energy sword is lethal plasma encased in an electromagnetic field, much like the lightsabers of Star Wars are speculated to be. It was originally seen, but not usable in Halo: Combat Evolved. One unique aspect of the energy sword is that in campaign mode, swords have a limited battery, whereas in multiplayer mode, they have an unlimited amount. The Energy Sword also has the unique ability to lunge onto an enemy if a player is within a certain distance, which is very difficult to dodge.

[edit] Turrets

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Covenant Turret

The lighter covenant turret is basically the same as the light human turret, but it fires small bursts of plasma similar to a plasma rifle. The heavy version, a modified version of Halo CE's Shade, requires the operator to sit in a chair. It fires slow-moving balls of plasma in two-shot bursts, and has a rechargeable shield on the front to protect the operator. Its shots, although not very high damage, have an explosive effect that causes the controller to violently vibrate in multiplayer.

[edit] Forerunner weapons

Forerunner weaponry is used by two types of Sentinel robots; the Sentinel (orange beam for silver armored, blue beam for gold armored), and the Enforcer (Needler-type weapon, explosive missiles). Enforcers also have a 'Claw' weapon for attacking vehicles. It descends on the victim and grasps it in its 'Claws'. It squeezes, and extremely high damage is done. However, only the Sentinel Beam is usable by the player.

[edit] Sentinel beam

Used by Sentinels, the Sentinel Beam emits a red-orange or blue beam. This weapon is most often found with the destroyed remains of Sentinels in campaign mode. It fires much like Covenant weaponry, using one large "battery" of ammo, and overheats if not allowed to cool down. They are powered by a battery, which is expended faster than Covenant weapon batteries. Also, they tend to overheat faster than Covenant weapons. The only multiplayer map featuring Sentinel Beams in standard configuration is Backwash.

[edit] Scarab Gun

This all-powerful gun with infinite ammo can be found on the non-player-controllable Scarab Covenant vehicle. This weapon can not even be found on regular grounds. The Scarab Gun, when found, looks like a Plasma Rifle, and is a hidden secret or easter egg. As when seen used by a Scarab, the blast from this weapon is a greenish-blue beam and completely annihilates any enemies. There are three player-wieldable Scarab Guns scattered between the Levels Outskirts and Metropolis. It is not available in Multiplayer.

[edit] See also

One sarab gun is found on top of a buiding in a far up above place,where you go thruogh the pipes to were you have find a guy driving a guass warthog.First you go over the bridge from where you start and try to get a banshee to follow you to the the tunnel.This is very tricky because if you try to board the banshee it you will fly backwards where you most likly crash and die.Once you get to the pipe the banshee might get stuck in the pipe.This is the place you board it,it should not fly off and you can fly off through the pipe.As soon as you get though the pipe fly straight up and you should see two buildings joined by two beams.Fly up there and on the first beam there should be a caution sign with a plasma rifle floting above it.Aim up because once you take it it goes off.There is only one plasma rifle so first come first served.

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