
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alvis here. My goal in contributing to Wikipedia is to make it a more factual, rich resource free from non-neutral points of view.

I casually browse articles, following hyperlinks or starting up new queries based on subjects I come across from external sources. For subjects I'm familiar with, I try to enhance the article. Other times, I'll remove pieces of articles that aren't NPOV or just don't check out. For major objections, I'll start up an entry on the talk tab first.

Please feel free to leave comments on my edits on my discussion tab. I welcome any discussion that helps to make Wikipedia better. I've made some bad calls before, and I'll make them again, so let me know of anything I may not have considered when making an edit.

[edit] Pet Peeves

The Game This was Wiki at its worst. Whereas this should have been a short, factual entry on the nature of this phenomena, it's been (in the past -- it's much better as of April 2006) a mess of contributions from headstrong users intent on using the page itself as part of "the game" (Oh noes! You looked at the page! Now you LOOOOOSSEE!)