Alvis (Fire Emblem)

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Alvis is a fictional character, first a Sage then an Emperor, in Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu, the fourth installment of the Fire Emblem series. He is one of the antagonists of Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu, although his intentions were benevolent.


[edit] Early life

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Alvis was born as the first son of the duke of Velthomer (a dukedom in Grandbell), Victor, which is a reputed womanizer and cares little to nothing on his family. At the age of 7, Alvis witnessed his father hanging and killing himself, leaving him with his maid and his half-brother Azel. Alvis was appointed as the next duke of Velthomer and worked his way to rise in position and power. Despite Azel being born from another woman raped by Victor, Alvis deeply cared for his half-brother, saying that Azel is one of the most important things in his life.

[edit] Sigurd's tale

As Prince Kult goes on war with the nation of Isaac, Alvis was put in Barhara to attend Emperor Azmule of Grandbell. When the Verdane forces assaulted Jungby, Alvis was sent rather late to quell the oppression. He met Sigurd and gave him the Silver Sword (on behalf of Prince Kult), also learning that Azel has joined Sigurd, but he didn't mind and trusted his brother to Sigurd. With that, he left Sigurd to take care of the rest.

As he saw corruption and oppression around Grandbell, Alvis harbored an ambition to build a world based on peace and the people would not suffer anymore. With that, he contacted a dark bishop named Manfloy, who would help him, in exchange that he won't persecute Manfloy's Lopt Sect. His time to pull his ambitions came when he heard that Prince Kult was assassinated, and the house of Chalpy (where Sigurd and his father Byron belonged) was put to blame by Duke Langobalt of Dozel and Duke Leptor of Freege. Alvis, however, thought more than just hunting Sigurd the traitor. He planned to make the other lords fight for each other, claiming the lands in Jugdral on the way, and kill them once they are weakened. He stayed close to Emperor Azmule and acted as his loyal attendant.

One day, he found a woman named Diadora lying unconscious. Alvis took her to his home, and slowly fell in love with her, unaware with the fact that Diadora was Sigurd's wife who was brainwashed by Manfloy, and also the daughter of Cigyun, one of Victor's mistresses. Despite all those facts, Alvis couldn't help to fall in love and marry her.

Alvis was eventually chosen as the heir of Azmur, due to Diadora's Heim Blood. He would be given the position of Emperor until his son is old enough to become one. In the same time, Alvis heard that Sigurd was approaching Barhara. He set his plans in motion. He first sent Langobalt to deal with Sigurd, in which the former would be killed. As the group of traitors approached Barhara, he sent out Leptor to attack. However, as Leptor advanced, Alvis suddenly turned his back on Leptor and cooperated with Sigurd to destroy Leptor.

Upon victory, Alvis held a celebration to greet Sigurd and his army. However, it was a clever disguise to sentence them to their deaths. After letting him see Diadora for the last time, Alvis used his personal tome Fala Flame to nuke Sigurd, while his mage unit rained down meteors attempting to obliterate the rest of Sigurd's soldiers. Sigurd was successfully killed, leaving any survivors of his army without a leader.

[edit] Celice's tale

With the death of Sigurd, Alvis remained as the sole power of Grandbell and was eventually crowned as Emperor. He successfully created a peaceful regime in Grandbell that lasted for 17 years. He was also blessed with two twin children, Julius (Yurius) and Julia (Yuria), from Diadora. However, after 17 years of peace, things started to change.

Manfloy offered Julius the Dark Tome of Loputousu. After he read it, Julius was taken over by Loputousu and thus started to change into a twisted man. Even Alvis was unable to stop him, as Julius was designed to be the next Emperor of Grandbell, as Azmur decreed so. Alvis was helpless as he saw his Empire changed from a peaceful regime into an oppressive one, where children were being hunted to be sacrificed for the Dark Lord and any whole population of anybody who resisted was exterminated as a measure to combat potential resistance. Diadora was also killed by Julius, but not before she teleported Julia to somewhere safe.

Eventually Alvis realized that he had been manipulated all along by Manfloy. However, he still did his best to prevent casualties in the child hunting as much as he can. Eventually, he would face the Liberation Army led by the son of Sigurd, Celice. He decided that he would face death in battlefield and led the defense of Chalphy Castle, but not before he sent out a bishop to take away Sigurd's sword Tyrfing, which was later retrieved by Celice. Alvis was eventually killed by Celice, which avenged Sigurd. However, after the Holy War truly ended, Celice admitted that Alvis was no more than a man swept away by fate and did not deserve his hatred.

[edit] Stats

As an Emperor:

Level: 30
Leadership: 5 stars
Class: Emperor
Items: Fala Flame (Holy Weapon), Silver Broadsword
HP: 80
Attack: 70 (wielding Fala Flame), 47 (wielding Silver Broadsword)
Hit Rate: 140 (wielding Fala Flame), 120 (wielding Silver Broadsword)
Evasion: 34 (wielding Fala Flame), 52 (wielding Silver Broadsword)
Strength: 27
Magic: 30 + 10
Skill: 30
Speed: 30
Luck: 4
Defense: 30 + 10
Magic Defense: 30 + 10
Weapon Level: A in everything except Light and Dark, * in Fire (Very proficient)
Holy Blood: Fala (Major), Loputousu (Minor)
Skills: Big Shield (Ootate), Charisma, Alertness (Mikiri)

[edit] Relations

  • Sigurd - Alvis former colleague, whom he killed to achieve his dream of peaceful land. One of the main characters of the game.
  • Azel - Alvis' beloved half-brother, who's in fact greatly scared about him. After the Battle of Bahara, he forced Azel to stay with him while he ran the empire, keeping him away from his wife and children.
  • Diadora - Alvis' wife, also Sigurd's wife. Bore both Julius and Julia, but was later killed by a possessed Julius. Diradora is also Alvis' half-sister.
  • Julius - Alvis' son and Julia's twin. One of the main antagonists of the game. He is possessed by the Dark God Loptous.
  • Julia - Alvis' daughter and Julius' twin. She escaped from her brother and was taken care by Levin, and joined Celice in his quest.
  • Celice - Sigurd's son who will eventually avenge his death, by killing Alvis.
  • Manfloy - An archbishop from the Lopt sect. He manipulates Alvis and brought the Dark God Loptous into Julius' body. Another major antagonist of the game.
  • Cyas - Alvis' bastard son who only makes an appearance in Fire Embelm: Thracia 776 and he is also the son of Aida.