Alton C. Crews Middle School

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Alton C. Crews Middle School is a middle school in the Brookwood Cluster of Gwinnett County, Georgia.

Founded in 1996, Alton C. Crews has long held a history of excellence, their tagline being "Building a Tradition of Excellence". Their mascot is the bronco, matching Brookwood High School and Brookwood Elementary School's mascot.

With student population rising every year, the addition of trailers has been constant. A new portion of school was currently under construction starting from December 18, 2006 and was expected to be completed in 2007/2008. As of 2005 the school had more than 1000 students.

A fact that few people know is that hidden links exist over the entire website, including links to a county wallpaper, and to a login dialog for teachers to access their e-mail. Few teachers seem to know of these links but careful examination of so called, blank spots can reveal links and sentences may also contain links.


[edit] Connections

At Crews, there are connections (sometimes called Specials in other schools) which are extra classes which still make up your academic grade. Such connections are:

  • Art - Mrs. Gilpin
  • Band - Mr. Folds
  • Chorus/Musical Theatre - Mrs. Pence
  • Computer Science - Mr. Hames
  • Health - Ms. Gholston, Coach Strickland, Mrs. Hughes, Mr. Dennis
  • Orchestra - Mrs. Schmeelk, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Mellard
  • Physical Education - Ms. Gholston, Coach Strickland, Mrs. Hughes
  • Tech Ed - Mr. Beard
  • Spanish - Mrs. Githiora
  • Music - Mrs. Busbee

Three connections are electives, and they are all musical connections which are Band (taught by Mr. Folds), Orchestra (taught by Mrs. Schmeel, Mrs. Phillips, and Mrs. Mellard), and the more recently added Chorus (taught by Mrs. Pence).

[edit] 6th Grade

6th Grade is the first year of education at Crews. The 6th grade teachers are listed by pods.


  • Keevan (Language Arts)
  • Brown (Math)
  • Crumptons (Science)
  • Phillips (Social Studies)


  • White (Language Arts)
  • Whitten (Math)
  • Burson (Science)
  • Rainwater (Social Studies)


  • McDaniel (Language Arts)
  • Tharpe (Math)
  • Freidenstein (Science)
  • Cragin (Social Studies)


  • Reavis (Language Arts)
  • Swetnam (Math)
  • Rhee (Science)
  • Shaffer (Social Studies)

[edit] 7th Grade

7th Grade is the second year of education at Crews. The 7th grade teachers are listed by pods.


  • Hollingshead (Language Arts)
  • Eldridge (Math)
  • Callahan (Science)
  • Geiler (Social Studies)


  • Askew (Language Arts)
  • T. Frantz (Math)
  • Memar (Science)
  • Ollinger (Social Studies)


  • A. Frantz (Language Arts)
  • McClam (Math)
  • Stringfellow (Science)
  • Retter (Social Studies)


  • Day (Language Arts)
  • Flood (Language Arts)
  • Dunn (Math)
  • Waters (Science)
  • Parker (Social Studies)

[edit] 8th Grade

8th Grade is the third and final year of education at Crews. The 8th grade teachers are listed by pods.


  • Januzelli (Language Arts)
  • Brantley (Math)
  • McClendon (Science)
  • Patrick (Social Studies)


  • Elder (Language Arts)
  • Steinhauer (Math)
  • Robertson (Science)
  • Weikel (Social Studies)


  • Frost (Language Arts and Social Studies)
  • LaViola (Math)
  • Paes (Science)
  • McLane (Latin)


  • Harris (Language Arts)
  • Castleberry (Math)
  • DeCarvahlo (Science)
  • Avis (Social Studies)

[edit] Probe

At Crews, and many other schools in America, Probe classes are advanced classes in certain subjects. The Probe teachers are as follows.

  • Bohannon (Science)
  • Britt (Language Arts)
  • Owen (Math)
  • Whitten (Math)
  • Williams (Math)
  • Lewis (Social Studies)
  • Steinhauer (Math)
  • Marschke (Math)
  • Burson (Science)
  • Bloch (Language Arts)
  • Ridley (Social Studies)
  • Elder (Language Arts)
  • Waters (Science)
  • McClam (Math)
  • Askew (Language Arts)
  • Freidenstein (Science)
  • DeCarvalho (Science)
  • Reavis (Language Arts)

[edit] Comings and Goings

For the 2007-08 schoolyear a slew of new teachers are coming and we have to bid farewell to some. All known now is that Mrs. Pence is leaving for 2007-08. Her student teacher, Ms. Turner, is replacing her. Mrs. Weber, a teacher at Craig is coming. It was also revealed that Probe Science teacher Mrs. Bohannon is moving to another school.

[edit] Musical Theatre

Musical theatre is done every year at Crews, usually around March to May. Out the plays on this list, which is from 2004 to 2007, the first two were directed by Ms. Sechelski (now Mrs. Stebbins) and the other two were directed by Mrs. Pence, the chorus teacher.

  • 2004 - "The Music Man, jr."
  • 2005 - "Once On This Island, jr."
  • 2006 - "Schoolhouse Rock Live!"
  • 2007 - "Broncos on Broadway: 100 Years of Broadway"
  • 2008 - "Disney's On the Record"1

2004's "The Music Man, jr." was unique among others because a fourth grader who didn't go to Crews played Winthrop, the little boy with a lisp. The 2006 musical, "School House Rock Live!" was Mrs. Pence's first ever production. The cast included: Sean White (as George), Reed Parsons (as Tom), Dayne Swerdling (as Joe), Julie Coppedge (as Dori for 2 nights), Gabby Arenas (as Dori for 2 the other nights), Erica Andrews (as Shulie for 2 nights), Allie Reecer (as Shulie for the other 2 nights), Rachel Baranowski (as Dina for 2 nights), Emily Brewer (as Dina for the other 2 nights), Devyn Mullis (as ensemble and dancer), and Gerard Blanding (as "Circulation" soloist). Also, Mrs. Pence's chorus class sang along with the cast and company. 2007 is also a unique year because the play has been changed four times. The original play was going to be Into the Woods. They also considered doing High School Musical late in the 05-06 schoolyear, however, this didn't go far. Then, it was changed to an original play that was going to be written by Mrs. Pence and Elliott, of Entertainment with Elliott, called 100 Years of Broadway, but this was thought of in January, and there was little time to plan this. It is now confirmed to be a musical revue based on 100 Years of Broadway, called Broncos on Broadway. 1Ms. Turner (who is replacing Mrs. Pence in 2007-08) is looking into doing Disney's On the Record. Ms. Pence will be missed G R E A T L Y!!!

[edit] Crews News Segments

Since 2005, Crews Middle School's announcements are made on air rather than on intercom. The Crews News is the news show for Crews shown every morning. It is also home to four unique segments. They are listed.

  • The Weekend Weather, hosted by Shawn G.
  • Ask Kimmy, hosted by Kimmy B.
  • Entertainment With Elliott, hosted by Elliott F.
  • Ms. Askew's Awesome Book Talks, various hosts

Crews News is directed by Mrs. Lund (formerly LaHatte) and Mrs. van't Zelfde, the media specialists.

[edit] Related Links

Crews Homepage