Alto Horizonte

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Alto Horizonte is a small town and municipality in north Goiás state, Brazil. The population was 2,825 in 2005 and the area of the municipality was 505.6 km².

  • Elevation: 375 meters
  • Became a city: 1993
  • Postal code: : 76560-000

Alto Horizonte is located about 341 kilometers north of the state capital, Goiânia and is in the Porangatu Microregion. Municipal boundaries are with:

Alto Horizonte is connected by poor roads to Campinorte, which is on the Belém-Brasília highway. Mara Rosa is 32 kilometers to the north and Nova Iguaçu de Goiás is 12 kilometers to the south. All highway connections are of poor quality.

Highway access from Goiânia is made by GO-080 / Nerópolis / BR-153 / Jaraguá / GO-080 / Goianésia / Barro Alto / GO-342 / Uruaçu / Campinorte / GO-428 / GO-556. See Seplan

Demographic and Political Data

  • Population density: 5.34 inhab/km² (2003)
  • Population growth rate 1996/2000: 0.63%
  • Population in 1991: 1,992
  • Population in 1980: 2,233
  • Urban population: 1,764 (2003)
  • Rural population: 928 (2003)
  • Number of households: 755 (2000)
  • Eligible voters: 2,009 (09/2004)
  • City government: mayor (Luiz Borges da Cruz), vice-mayor (Lúcio Agostinho Fideles), and 09 councilmembers


The main economic activities are cattle raising (38,000 head in 2003) and plantations of rice (250 hectares), manioc (25 hectares), and corn (400 hectares).

  • The Gross Domestic Product was 12.7 million Reais in 2002, which was 0.04% of the state GDP of 31.298 billion Reais. [1]
  • The Gross Demestic Product per capita was 4,747 Reais in 2002, which was below the state average of 5,921 Reais. [2]
  • Banking establishment: none in 2005
  • Industrial units: 07 in 2005
  • Retail units: 17 in 2005

There were 104 automobiles, 8 trucks, 15 pickups, and 113 motorcycles registered in 2004. [3]

Health and Education

  • Infant mortality rate in 2000: 24.07
  • Health Establishments: 02
  • Hospital beds: 0
  • Doctors / Nurses / Dentists: 04 / 02 / 03
  • Literacy rate in 2000: 86.1
  • Primary schools: 01
  • Students enrolled in primary schools: 522
  • Primary school teachers: 26
  • Middle and Secondary schools: 01
  • Students enrolled in middle and secondary schools: 89
  • Middle and secondary school teachers: 10 [4]

Households and Income

  • Number of households: 755
  • Households reporting no income: 102
  • Households reporting less than 01 minimum salary: 240
  • Households reporting from 01 to 02 minimum salaries: 227
  • Households reporting from 02 to 03 minimum salaries: 70
  • Households reporting from 03 to 05 minimum salaries: 50
  • Households reporting from 05 to 10 minimum salaries: 48
  • Households reporting more than 10 minimum salaries: 18

The minimum salary in April 2000 was R$151.00. The minimum salary of April 2006 was R$350.00, which was $167.40 US dollars on April 30, 2006

Ranking on the Municipal Human Development Index

  • Life expectancy: 68.9
  • Adult literacy rate: 0.845
  • School attendance rate: 0.887
  • MHDI: 0.743
  • State ranking: 97 (out of 242 municipalities)
  • National ranking: 2,075 (out of 5,507 municipalities)

For the complete list see

Data are from 2000

[edit] External links

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