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In Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy series, the Allthing is an enormous meeting of the heads of all the tribes of Skaldia. Though most of the persons present are male, women have the right to speak at the Allthing, won for them by Brunhild the Doughty, who wrestled Hobart Longspear and beat him two of three matches. Allthing is apparently based upon the ancient Scandanavian assemblies called "Thing", and the Icelandic Althing.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Waldemar Selig calls an Allthing during the Bitterest Winter; Gunter Arnlaugson takes twenty of his men and four women, including Hedwig Arnildsdottir. To the actual meeting, the leader of each steading is allowed to bring two of his thanes and his headwoman.

While the Skaldi are discussing their plans, Phèdre nó Delaunay and Joscelin Verreuil are locked in a storeroom. Phèdre has Joscelin lift her up so she can climb on a rafter, over the wall, and out above the meeting-hall, where she can eavesdrop on the proceedings.

Phèdre overhears Waldemar Selig stirring the Skaldi to war with stunning rhetoric, telling them they deserve more than their rough lives in the wilderness, that they should take their glory from their neighbors.