Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe

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Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe
Allianz der unabhängigen Demokraten in Europa
Alliance des Démocrates Indépendants en Europe
Alleanza dei democratici indipendenti in Europa
Alianza de demócratas independientes en Europa
President Patrick Louis MEP
Founded 2005
Headquarters unknown
Political Ideology conservatism, euroscepticism
International Affiliation none
European Parliament Group Independence and Democracy
Colours blue
See also Politics of the EU

Political parties

The Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe (most commonly represented in French, as Alliance des Démocrates Indépendants en Europe) is an European political party, operating largely as a faction of the Independence and Democracy group of the European Parliament, whose existence is claimed by both itself and by the EUDemocrats[1]. At this time the composition of the ADIE or the extent to which it operates as an EU-funded pan-European organization is unclear. Nevertheless, as of January 2007, the group appears to operate a limited French-language website.

ADIE describes itself as a centre-right faction of the eurosceptic IND/DEM group, with the EUDemocrats, the United Kingdom Independence Party and the European Christian Political Movement appearing to comprise the other factions of that group.

The group's website, implies the existence of British, Czech, French, Greek, Irish, Italian and Polish delegations and identifies Movement for France (MpF) MEP Patrick Louis as its president.

In light of the recent defection of Lega Nord (Italy) to UEN, it is believed that the members of the AIDE faction, as of January 2007, as follows:

Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic
Flag of France France
Flag of Greece Greece
Flag of Poland Poland
Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom

Pan-European political organisations
Flag of the European Union
Recognized by the EU as "political parties at European level":

European Democratic Party | EUDemocrats | European Free Alliance | European Green Party | Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe | Party of the European Left | European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party | Alliance for Europe of the Nations | European People's Party | Party of European Socialists

Other pan-European confederations of national political parties:

European Anticapitalist Left | European Christian Political Movement | European Democrat Union | Euronat | European National Front | Nordic Green Left Alliance | Movement for European Reform | Platform for Transparency

Dedicated pan-European parties:

Europe – Democracy – Esperanto | Newropeans

Political groups in the European Parliament
Political groups in EP

EPP–ED (277) | PES (218) | ALDE (106) | UEN (44) | Greens–EFA (42) | EUL–NGL (41) | IND/DEM (23) | ITS (20)
• 14 MEPs are not attached to any political group •

Related articles: table of political parties in Europe by pancontinental organisation,
elections in the European Union, party composition of the council

In other languages