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HE Alireza Yami Empire of Atlantium - Imperial Legate to Tabriz (Iran)

Alireza Yami was born in Tabriz, Azarbaijane Sharqi, Iran, on 21 September 1978 of Georgian-Russian ancestry. After attending local schools, he studied pure chemistry at Shahid Bahonar State University of Kerman and Tabriz State University. He has worked in the military and government, and for private commercial corporations, but is currently freelancing in computers, journalism and tourism. He has strong interests in the social, political and religious aspects of national life. Unmarried, his hobbies include hiking, travel and digital photography. He is an active member of the Iranian Red Crescent Society. He was appointed Imperial Legate to the city of Tabriz on 1 Quartus10525 (20 April 2005).