Alien from the Darkness

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Alien from the Darkness
(Inju Alien)
Genre Drama
Directed by Norio Takanamiis
No. of episodes

Alien from the Darkness (also titled Inju Alien) is a Hentai OVA, directed by Norio Takanamiis, that was released in 1996.

The plot of the OVA seems to have been strongly influenced by the movie Alien, with Hikari, the computer expert, representing Sigourney Weaver's role. However, the elements of lesbianism and tentacle rape were fairly new to the genre.

[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

While on a government mission far from civilization, the all-female crew of the spaceship Muze finds a seemingly lifeless ship, named the Zogne, drifting in space. They investigate and stumble across numerous dead bodies as well as a single survivor — Flair, an innocuous-looking girl, who is diagnosed with amnesia after being found in a sleep chamber. The crew bring the girl back to the Muze and treat her with sympathy as a medical patient. Computer expert Hikari begins attempting to decrypt the computer records of the Zogne to find out what happened to its crew.

After further searching discovers the illegal drug Metrogria (which disables the immune system) on the Zogne, the Captain of the Muze commands that the Zogne be destroyed. Meanwhile, Flair (who is actually a dangerous and, of course, tentacled alien) has begun to wreak havoc, approaching the crew members one by one and tentacle-raping them to implant eggs in them. This causes the victims to become insane and die. Hikari finally learns this secret after decoding the computer records, but not before the Captain and several other crew members have already succumbed to Flair.

Hikari and her sister attempt to destroy Flair with weaponry, but the alien seems invincible. Eventually, the alien corners the sisters in the ship's cargo hold. Hikari escapes but her sister does not, ending up locked in the hold with the alien. Seeking revenge, Hikari puts a Metrogria capsule in a pistol, re-enters the hold and shoots the alien, mortally wounding it. She then opens the cargo bay door and the alien is sucked out into space along with several dead bodies.

Why Hikari would choose to endanger herself by confronting the creature head-on rather than just open the bay door in the first place is unclear. Possibly, the ordeal had left Hikari unable to think clearly. She may also have been afraid the creature could survive in space and find its way back into the ship.

At any rate, the movie ends with Hikari beginning her lonely voyage home. There is also an easily-predictable "twist" ending after the closing credits.

[edit] References

[edit] External links