
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alexander James Killby
In Belize during his 2006 Scouts Canada Brotherhood Project Mission
Born December 25, 1989
London, Ontario, Canada
Parents Mary-Ann Killby, John Killby

Hello fellow Wikipidians, through this userpage that I have created, I hope to gain experience in the maintenance and design behind writing Wiki articles. When I first arrived at the decision to contribute to Wikipedia, I decided to use my voice in aiding the recording of articles I found interesting, so those with visual impairment, (or those that like to listen to someone read instead of read themselves) could have a better experience at Wikipedia. Please leave any comments you have on my talk page, and I'd be happy to get any comments on anything I'm doing, and how I can work better with the community here.

[edit] Scouting

Since the ripe age of 5, I've been a member of the Canadian Scouting movement. From those early days as a Beaver, until my current position of Venturer, this organization has grown to become an integral part of my life.