
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Article Bigtan matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
Lead of the article Bigtan matched rule \Wpersia 14 points

Total 14 points

Article 4 Digital Group matched rule \Wiran 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Southern Balochi matched rule \Wiran 8 points

Total 8 points

Article SALARMEHR Mobile Phone Glossary matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
Lead of the article SALARMEHR Mobile Phone Glossary matched rule \Wpersia 14 points
Article SALARMEHR Mobile Phone Glossary matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points

Total 19 points

Article Tahouri matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Lead of the article Tahouri matched rule \Wiran 16 points
Article Tahouri matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
Lead of the article Tahouri matched rule \Wpersia 14 points

Total 30 points

Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Lead of the article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \Wiran 16 points
Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \Wtehe?ran 8 points
Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \WShiraz 4 points
Lead of the article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \WShiraz 8 points
Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \WRumi\W 10 points

Total 56 points

Article Reconstruction of Afghanistan matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
Lead of the article Reconstruction of Afghanistan matched rule \Wafghan 16 points

Total 16 points

Article Wadah Khanfar matched rule \Wafghan 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Alliance of Peace and Progress Fighters of Afghanistan matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
Lead of the article Alliance of Peace and Progress Fighters of Afghanistan matched rule \Wafghan 16 points
Article Alliance of Peace and Progress Fighters of Afghanistan matched rule \Wkabul\W 10 points

Total 26 points

Article Hamka matched rule \Wafghan 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Ortega Demiran matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
Lead of the article Ortega Demiran matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 14 points

Total 14 points

Article Qaleh-ye Na'im matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
Lead of the article Qaleh-ye Na'im matched rule \Wafghan 16 points
Article Qaleh-ye Na'im matched rule \Wkabul\W 10 points
Lead of the article Qaleh-ye Na'im matched rule \Wkabul\W 20 points

Total 36 points

Article Chahar Asyab District matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
Lead of the article Chahar Asyab District matched rule \Wafghan 16 points
Article Chahar Asyab District matched rule \Wkabul\W 10 points
Lead of the article Chahar Asyab District matched rule \Wkabul\W 20 points

Total 36 points

Article Mirza Malkom Khan matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Lead of the article Mirza Malkom Khan matched rule \Wiran 16 points
Article Mirza Malkom Khan matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
Lead of the article Mirza Malkom Khan matched rule \Wpersia 14 points

Total 30 points

Article Hilmar Zeissig matched rule \Wafghan 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes arab

Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \Wtehe?ran 8 points
Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \WAhmadinejad 10 points
Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \W[ÂAâa]yatoll[âa]h\W 5 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes iraq

Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \WIsfahan 10 points
Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \WPahl[ae]vi\W 10 points

Total 60 points

Article Chattisgarhi language matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Lead of the article Chattisgarhi language matched rule \Wiran 16 points

Total 16 points

Article Khandeshi language matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Lead of the article Khandeshi language matched rule \Wiran 16 points

Total 16 points

Article Yunessi matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
Lead of the article Yunessi matched rule \Wpersia 14 points
Article Yunessi matched rule \Wtehe?ran 8 points
Lead of the article Yunessi matched rule \Wtehe?ran 16 points

Total 30 points

Article Alpha Indi matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
Lead of the article Alpha Indi matched rule \Wpersia 14 points

Total 14 points

Article Ivan Fisher matched rule \Wpashtun 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Qubaisiat matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points

Total 5 points

Article Bonyan matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Lead of the article Bonyan matched rule \Wiran 16 points
Article Bonyan matched rule \Wfarsi 10 points
Lead of the article Bonyan matched rule \Wfarsi 20 points

Total 36 points

Article Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla matched rule \WShiraz 4 points
Lead of the article Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla matched rule \WShiraz 8 points
Article Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla matched rule \WRumi\W 10 points

Total 18 points

Article Abu al-Walid matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
Lead of the article Abu al-Walid matched rule \p{Arabic} 10 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes arab

Article Abu al-Walid matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
Article Abu al-Walid matched rule \Wtajik 8 points

Total 16 points

Article Rhynchophorus ferrugineus matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points

Total 5 points

Article Alpamysh matched rule \Wtajik 8 points
Lead of the article Alpamysh matched rule \Wtajik 16 points

Total 16 points

Article Ohr ha-Chaim Synagogue matched rule \WAttar\W 10 points
Lead of the article Ohr ha-Chaim Synagogue matched rule \WAttar\W 20 points

Total 20 points

Article Soviet war in Afghanistan in popular culture matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes arab

Article Soviet war in Afghanistan in popular culture matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
Lead of the article Soviet war in Afghanistan in popular culture matched rule \Wafghan 16 points
Article Soviet war in Afghanistan in popular culture matched rule \Wtajik 8 points
Article Soviet war in Afghanistan in popular culture matched rule \Wkabul\W 10 points

Total 34 points

Article Damascus Citadel matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
Lead of the article Damascus Citadel matched rule \p{Arabic} 10 points

Total 10 points

Article 2006 Supersport World Championship matched rule \WTati\W 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Zoroaster (The History of the Galaxy) matched rule \WZoroastr 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Faye Turney matched rule \Wiran 8 points

Total 8 points

Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Lead of the article Reza Shah/New matched rule \Wiran 16 points
Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points

The rule is inhibited because article mathes arab

Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \Wtehe?ran 8 points
Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \Wm[ae]jlis\W 6 points
Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \W[ÂAâa]yatoll[âa]h\W 5 points
Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \WKhuzestan\W 10 points
Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \WMazandaran 10 points
Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \WPahl[ae]vi\W 10 points
Lead of the article Reza Shah/New matched rule \WPahl[ae]vi\W 20 points

Total 89 points

Article Naqsh-e Rajab matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Article Naqsh-e Rajab matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
Article Naqsh-e Rajab matched rule \WSassanid 10 points

Total 25 points

Article Leila Vaziri matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Lead of the article Leila Vaziri matched rule \Wiran 16 points
Article Leila Vaziri matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
Article Leila Vaziri matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
Lead of the article Leila Vaziri matched rule \p{Arabic} 10 points

Total 33 points

Article Albinism (human) matched rule \Wfarsi 10 points

Total 10 points

Article Madhusudan Das matched rule \Wpersia 7 points

Total 7 points

Article Afghan Calendar Project matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
Lead of the article Afghan Calendar Project matched rule \Wafghan 16 points

Total 16 points