From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Article Bigtan matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
- Lead of the article Bigtan matched rule \Wpersia 14 points
Total 14 points
- Article 4 Digital Group matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Total 8 points
- Article Southern Balochi matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Total 8 points
- Article SALARMEHR Mobile Phone Glossary matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
- Lead of the article SALARMEHR Mobile Phone Glossary matched rule \Wpersia 14 points
- Article SALARMEHR Mobile Phone Glossary matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
Total 19 points
- Article Tahouri matched rule \Wiran 8 points
- Lead of the article Tahouri matched rule \Wiran 16 points
- Article Tahouri matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
- Lead of the article Tahouri matched rule \Wpersia 14 points
Total 30 points
- Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \Wiran 8 points
- Lead of the article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \Wiran 16 points
- Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
- Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
- Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \Wtehe?ran 8 points
- Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \WShiraz 4 points
- Lead of the article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \WShiraz 8 points
- Article Fatemeh Keshavarz matched rule \WRumi\W 10 points
Total 56 points
- Article Reconstruction of Afghanistan matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
- Lead of the article Reconstruction of Afghanistan matched rule \Wafghan 16 points
Total 16 points
- Article Wadah Khanfar matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
Total 8 points
- Article Alliance of Peace and Progress Fighters of Afghanistan matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
- Lead of the article Alliance of Peace and Progress Fighters of Afghanistan matched rule \Wafghan 16 points
- Article Alliance of Peace and Progress Fighters of Afghanistan matched rule \Wkabul\W 10 points
Total 26 points
- Article Hamka matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
Total 8 points
- Article Ortega Demiran matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
- Lead of the article Ortega Demiran matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 14 points
Total 14 points
- Article Qaleh-ye Na'im matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
- Lead of the article Qaleh-ye Na'im matched rule \Wafghan 16 points
- Article Qaleh-ye Na'im matched rule \Wkabul\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Qaleh-ye Na'im matched rule \Wkabul\W 20 points
Total 36 points
- Article Chahar Asyab District matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
- Lead of the article Chahar Asyab District matched rule \Wafghan 16 points
- Article Chahar Asyab District matched rule \Wkabul\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Chahar Asyab District matched rule \Wkabul\W 20 points
Total 36 points
- Article Mirza Malkom Khan matched rule \Wiran 8 points
- Lead of the article Mirza Malkom Khan matched rule \Wiran 16 points
- Article Mirza Malkom Khan matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
- Lead of the article Mirza Malkom Khan matched rule \Wpersia 14 points
Total 30 points
- Article Hilmar Zeissig matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
Total 8 points
- Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \Wiran 8 points
- Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
- Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
- Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes arab
- Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \Wtehe?ran 8 points
- Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \WAhmadinejad 10 points
- Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \W[ÂAâa]yatoll[âa]h\W 5 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes iraq
- Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \WIsfahan 10 points
- Article Timeline of Nuclear programme of Iran matched rule \WPahl[ae]vi\W 10 points
Total 60 points
- Article Chattisgarhi language matched rule \Wiran 8 points
- Lead of the article Chattisgarhi language matched rule \Wiran 16 points
Total 16 points
- Article Khandeshi language matched rule \Wiran 8 points
- Lead of the article Khandeshi language matched rule \Wiran 16 points
Total 16 points
- Article Yunessi matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
- Lead of the article Yunessi matched rule \Wpersia 14 points
- Article Yunessi matched rule \Wtehe?ran 8 points
- Lead of the article Yunessi matched rule \Wtehe?ran 16 points
Total 30 points
- Article Alpha Indi matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
- Lead of the article Alpha Indi matched rule \Wpersia 14 points
Total 14 points
- Article Ivan Fisher matched rule \Wpashtun 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Qubaisiat matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Bonyan matched rule \Wiran 8 points
- Lead of the article Bonyan matched rule \Wiran 16 points
- Article Bonyan matched rule \Wfarsi 10 points
- Lead of the article Bonyan matched rule \Wfarsi 20 points
Total 36 points
- Article Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla matched rule \WShiraz 4 points
- Lead of the article Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla matched rule \WShiraz 8 points
- Article Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla matched rule \WRumi\W 10 points
Total 18 points
- Article Abu al-Walid matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
- Lead of the article Abu al-Walid matched rule \p{Arabic} 10 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes arab
- Article Abu al-Walid matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
- Article Abu al-Walid matched rule \Wtajik 8 points
Total 16 points
- Article Rhynchophorus ferrugineus matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Alpamysh matched rule \Wtajik 8 points
- Lead of the article Alpamysh matched rule \Wtajik 16 points
Total 16 points
- Article Ohr ha-Chaim Synagogue matched rule \WAttar\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Ohr ha-Chaim Synagogue matched rule \WAttar\W 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Soviet war in Afghanistan in popular culture matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes arab
- Article Soviet war in Afghanistan in popular culture matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
- Lead of the article Soviet war in Afghanistan in popular culture matched rule \Wafghan 16 points
- Article Soviet war in Afghanistan in popular culture matched rule \Wtajik 8 points
- Article Soviet war in Afghanistan in popular culture matched rule \Wkabul\W 10 points
Total 34 points
- Article Damascus Citadel matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
- Lead of the article Damascus Citadel matched rule \p{Arabic} 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article 2006 Supersport World Championship matched rule \WTati\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Zoroaster (The History of the Galaxy) matched rule \WZoroastr 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Faye Turney matched rule \Wiran 8 points
Total 8 points
- Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \Wiran 8 points
- Lead of the article Reza Shah/New matched rule \Wiran 16 points
- Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
- Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
- Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes arab
- Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \Wtehe?ran 8 points
- Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \Wm[ae]jlis\W 6 points
- Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \W[ÂAâa]yatoll[âa]h\W 5 points
- Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \WKhuzestan\W 10 points
- Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \WMazandaran 10 points
- Article Reza Shah/New matched rule \WPahl[ae]vi\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Reza Shah/New matched rule \WPahl[ae]vi\W 20 points
Total 89 points
- Article Naqsh-e Rajab matched rule \Wiran 8 points
- Article Naqsh-e Rajab matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
- Article Naqsh-e Rajab matched rule \WSassanid 10 points
Total 25 points
- Article Leila Vaziri matched rule \Wiran 8 points
- Lead of the article Leila Vaziri matched rule \Wiran 16 points
- Article Leila Vaziri matched rule \[\[Category\:[^\]]*iran 7 points
- Article Leila Vaziri matched rule \p{Arabic} 5 points
- Lead of the article Leila Vaziri matched rule \p{Arabic} 10 points
Total 33 points
- Article Albinism (human) matched rule \Wfarsi 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Madhusudan Das matched rule \Wpersia 7 points
Total 7 points
- Article Afghan Calendar Project matched rule \Wafghan 8 points
- Lead of the article Afghan Calendar Project matched rule \Wafghan 16 points
Total 16 points