From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Article ISEAL Alliance matched rule agriculture 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Psychomania matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article The Comedian's Comedian matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Oilfields Supply Center matched rule container 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Dust explosion matched rule nitrogen 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Sugarhead matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Resistance mutation matched rule \Wacid 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article George Brinton McClellan Harvey matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Siroindia matched rule disease 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Paghman District matched rule agriculture 10 points
- Lead of the article Paghman District matched rule agriculture 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article E-radio matched rule container 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Baughan matched rule harrow 10 points
- Lead of the article Baughan matched rule harrow 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Mary cowper matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Samanata matched rule blossom 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Anthony JJ Lucas matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Eucalyptus populnea matched rule \Wtrunk 5 points
- Lead of the article Eucalyptus populnea matched rule \Wtrunk 10 points
- Article Eucalyptus populnea matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Eucalyptus populnea matched rule \Wbark\W 12 points
- Article Eucalyptus populnea matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article Eucalyptus populnea matched rule \Wtree 12 points
- Article Eucalyptus populnea matched rule flower 6 points
Total 40 points
- Article David N. Donihue matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Albert R. Shadle matched rule \Wcutting 6 points
- Article Albert R. Shadle matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Bird Studios matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Berkeley Square, Bristol matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Kvammen matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Kvammen matched rule \Wfarms?\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Paingod and Other Delusions matched rule crown\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Warren Beatty filmography matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Kenzo Okada matched rule flower 6 points
- Article Kenzo Okada matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Warrenton High School (Oregon) matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Giardino sonoro matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Giardino sonoro matched rule horticultur 16 points
- Article Giardino sonoro matched rule landscape\sarchitect 16 points
- Article Giardino sonoro matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 48 points
- Article The Australian International School Saigon matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Red Follows Red matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Article Red Follows Red matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
Total 11 points
- Article Suffolk House, Penang matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Suffolk House, Penang matched rule \Wtimber\W 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article List of farmers' markets in the United Kingdom matched rule harrow 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Olumawu Basic Education School, Abuja matched rule nurser 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Origin of ezhava caste matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article Origin of ezhava caste matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Strictureplasty matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article Strictureplasty matched rule disease 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Anaphalis javanica matched rule flower 6 points
- Lead of the article Anaphalis javanica matched rule flower 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Firestone Diamond Mining matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Field hack matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Bellman hanger matched rule \Wtimber\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Li Yuanji matched rule crown\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Li Yuanji matched rule crown\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Buxton (band) matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Connections between 24 and La Femme Nikita matched rule \Wclone\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article James Birrell matched rule agriculture 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Dj jansen matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article One Stop Consulting matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Ceschi matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Ain ez zarqa matched rule \Wirrigat 10 points
- Lead of the article Ain ez zarqa matched rule \Wirrigat 20 points
- Article Ain ez zarqa matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article Ain ez zarqa matched rule \Wtree 12 points
- Article Ain ez zarqa matched rule landscap 6 points
- Lead of the article Ain ez zarqa matched rule landscap 12 points
Total 44 points
- Article English language or dictionary is full of words having more then two meanings matched rule horticultur 16 points
Total 16 points
- Article Hyperion Therapeutics matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article Hyperion Therapeutics matched rule disease 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article S Rajaratnam School of International Studies matched rule fertili(s|z) 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Tanko Dyakov matched rule \Wtray 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Your Refuge matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article DaySpring Church matched rule vineyard 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Juba University matched rule disease 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article CHU-LIP matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article David Oliver Cauldwell matched rule disease 6 points
- Article David Oliver Cauldwell matched rule flower 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article All I Want Is You Revenge matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article William Roe matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Caucasian Ball matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article The Serpent (album) matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Elina matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Dee Davis matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Dee Davis matched rule \Wfarms?\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Of Love and Lunacy matched rule blossom 5 points
- Article Of Love and Lunacy matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 11 points
- Article Brittany Holberg matched rule fruit 6 points
- Lead of the article Brittany Holberg matched rule fruit 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article John Mark McMillan matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article A View From Pluto matched rule crown\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Seweyna matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article William Gillies (disambiguation) matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Alan Berger matched rule landscape\sarchitect 16 points
- Lead of the article Alan Berger matched rule landscape\sarchitect 32 points
- Article Alan Berger matched rule landscap 6 points
- Lead of the article Alan Berger matched rule landscap 12 points
Total 44 points
- Article Raytu matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Raytu matched rule \Wperennial 16 points
- Article Raytu matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 32 points
- Article South Saddle Mountain matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Guradamole, Oromia (woreda) matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article The Miscellany News matched rule \Wplough\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Providence College Special Guest matched rule \Wpetals?\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Boiga nigriceps matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
- Lead of the article Boiga nigriceps matched rule hard(i|y) 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article The arpacktu matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule \Wtray 10 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule \Wtrunk 5 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule \Wlime\W 6 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule \Wseed 6 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule disease 6 points
- Article Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess matched rule flower 6 points
Total 72 points
- Article John David Yarbrough matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Pan's Anniversary matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Virginia (song) matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Year Zero (alternate reality game) matched rule propagat 10 points
- Article Year Zero (alternate reality game) matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Year Zero (alternate reality game) matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article Anonymous Inc. matched rule \Wseed 6 points
- Article Anonymous Inc. matched rule flower 6 points
- Article Anonymous Inc. matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 18 points
- Article Brute Force Committee matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Boiga jaspidea matched rule \Wshrub 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Bangabasi Morning College matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article Bangabasi Morning College matched rule \Wtree 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Waste Oil matched rule container 6 points
- Article Waste Oil matched rule greenhouse 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article List of Tree Cities USA matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article List of Tree Cities USA matched rule \Wtree 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article LiveGraph matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Dundonald, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article List of Are You Afraid of the Dark? episodes matched rule \Wmow 10 points
- Article List of Are You Afraid of the Dark? episodes matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article List of Are You Afraid of the Dark? episodes matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article Hardy Manser matched rule agriculture 10 points
- Article Hardy Manser matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Venus Automobile matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Venus Automobile matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Venus Automobile matched rule \Wscales?\W 12 points
Total 22 points
- Article Nathaniel Hone (cricketer) matched rule \Wacid 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Four Seasons Resort Carmelo, Uruguay matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Gleicherwiesen matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Rickettsiosis matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article Rickettsiosis matched rule disease 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Graton Rancheria matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Twilight War: After the Fall matched rule \Wseed 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Why is the Hawker Typhoon the Best WWII Tactical Fighter matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Castle Rock State Park (Illinois) matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wparks\W 44 points
- Article Castle Rock State Park (Illinois) matched rule landscap 6 points
- Lead of the article Castle Rock State Park (Illinois) matched rule landscap 12 points
Total 56 points
- Article Prabhupadanugas matched rule propagat 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Conroy Education Center matched rule floricultur 10 points
- Article Conroy Education Center matched rule horticultur 16 points
Total 26 points
- Article International Society for Experimental Hematology matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article International Society for Experimental Hematology matched rule disease 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Urban Behavior matched rule \Wcutting 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Elliptic boundary value problem matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article List of intersex people matched rule alpine 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Omdurman Islamic University matched rule propagat 10 points
- Lead of the article Omdurman Islamic University matched rule propagat 20 points
- Article Omdurman Islamic University matched rule agriculture 10 points
Total 30 points
- Article 1962 Davis Cup matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
- Article 1962 Davis Cup matched rule \Wseed 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Alpha Rho Omega matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Sudan Univeristy of Science and Technology matched rule agriculture 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Mugo Kibiru matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Bernice Fitz-Gibbon matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Masked Garden Eel matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Masked Garden Eel matched rule garden 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Splendid Garden Eel matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Splendid Garden Eel matched rule garden 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Galzin's Garden Eel matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Galzin's Garden Eel matched rule garden 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article The House of the Scorpion (film) matched rule \Wclone\W 6 points
- Article The House of the Scorpion (film) matched rule disease 6 points
- Article The House of the Scorpion (film) matched rule harvest 6 points
- Article The House of the Scorpion (film) matched rule transplant 6 points
Total 24 points
- Article Wesoly Lud matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Making a glass flower matched rule \Wbuds?\W 5 points
- Article Making a glass flower matched rule \Wpetals?\W 10 points
- Article Making a glass flower matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
- Article Making a glass flower matched rule flower 6 points
- Lead of the article Making a glass flower matched rule flower 12 points
Total 33 points
- Article Petar Marinovich matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Berbere (woreda) matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Berbere (woreda) matched rule \Wcultivat 10 points
- Article Berbere (woreda) matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
- Article Berbere (woreda) matched rule agriculture 10 points
- Article Berbere (woreda) matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 46 points
- Article Death Lies Beneath matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Evangelical school for the deaf matched rule \Wmow 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Meda Welabu matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Meda Welabu matched rule \Wperennial 16 points
- Article Meda Welabu matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
- Article Meda Welabu matched rule agriculture 10 points
Total 46 points
- Article Orthodox Jewish Humanism matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
- Article Orthodox Jewish Humanism matched rule vineyard 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Hemoglobin Barts matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article Hemoglobin Barts matched rule disease 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article On The Grid (The Grid single) matched rule \Wlime\W 6 points
- Lead of the article On The Grid (The Grid single) matched rule \Wlime\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Mennana Harena Buluk matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Mennana Harena Buluk matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Paper Wasp (Projectile) matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Live Shots matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Goba (woreda) matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Goba (woreda) matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article BHI 3033 matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
- Article BHI 3033 matched rule specimen 6 points
- Lead of the article BHI 3033 matched rule specimen 12 points
Total 18 points
- Article Flickrcash matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Sinanana Dinsho matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Sinanana Dinsho matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Sinanana Dinsho matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article USS American matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
- Lead of the article USS American matched rule \Wbark\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Goro, Oromia (woreda) matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Goro, Oromia (woreda) matched rule \Wcultivat 10 points
- Article Goro, Oromia (woreda) matched rule \Wperennial 16 points
- Article Goro, Oromia (woreda) matched rule \Wseed 6 points
Total 42 points
- Article Will Taylor matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
- Article Will Taylor matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Will Taylor matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article Ginir (woreda) matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Ginir (woreda) matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
- Article Ginir (woreda) matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 26 points
- Article Simon Sargon matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
- Lead of the article Simon Sargon matched rule hard(i|y) 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Legehida matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Legehida matched rule \Wperennial 16 points
- Article Legehida matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
Total 36 points
- Article Gaserana Gololcha matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Gaserana Gololcha matched rule \Wperennial 16 points
- Article Gaserana Gololcha matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
- Article Gaserana Gololcha matched rule agriculture 10 points
Total 46 points
- Article Helalyn flowers matched rule flower 6 points
- Lead of the article Helalyn flowers matched rule flower 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Festival Cup matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article H'rooth matched rule harvest 6 points
- Lead of the article H'rooth matched rule harvest 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Agarfa (woreda) matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Agarfa (woreda) matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article ThomasTel Communications matched rule canopy 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Spanish River Church matched rule \Wplanting\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Washington State Route 501 matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Dodola (woreda) matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Dodola (woreda) matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Dodola (woreda) matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article 1961 Davis Cup matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
- Article 1961 Davis Cup matched rule \Wseed 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Luis de Carabajal y Cueva matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article 2006 Division I Men's College Cup matched rule \Wseed 6 points
- Lead of the article 2006 Division I Men's College Cup matched rule \Wseed 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Somehow, It Mananged to Get Worse matched rule pitchfork 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Equinox (Voyager episode) matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Florida Institute of Technology housing matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Ácido Argentino matched rule \Wacid 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Close My Eyes (film) matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Damon Marsh matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article ITB Wrestling matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article FireRaid matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article GAFY matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Richard Harris filmography matched rule crown\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article List of asteroids/153001–153100 matched rule flower 6 points
- Lead of the article List of asteroids/153001–153100 matched rule flower 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Dominic Aitchison matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Harrison Grierson Consultants Ltd matched rule landscape\sarchitect 16 points
- Article Harrison Grierson Consultants Ltd matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article Walldorf (Werra) matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Walldorf (Werra) matched rule \Wsand\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Rose Fortune matched rule wheelbarrow 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Mariachi Musica matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Mariachi Musica matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article Mariachi Musica matched rule \Wtree 12 points
- Article Mariachi Musica matched rule landscap 6 points
- Lead of the article Mariachi Musica matched rule landscap 12 points
Total 30 points
- Article Code of Dinotopia matched rule \Wsow 10 points
- Lead of the article Code of Dinotopia matched rule \Wsow 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Grove Park, Carshalton matched rule \Wpond\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article National Development and Reform Commission matched rule agriculture 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Apple River Canyon State Park matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wparks\W 44 points
Total 44 points
- Article Environmental compensation matched rule horticultur 16 points
- Lead of the article Environmental compensation matched rule horticultur 32 points
Total 32 points
- Article Martin Bulloch matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article ThomasTEL matched rule canopy 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Bellavista (band) matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Traditional Japanese Music: Gagaku matched rule \Wcultivat 10 points
- Lead of the article Traditional Japanese Music: Gagaku matched rule \Wcultivat 20 points
- Article Traditional Japanese Music: Gagaku matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Traditional Japanese Music: Gagaku matched rule \Wscales?\W 12 points
Total 32 points
- Article Bellavista (band( matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Homer D. Angell matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article The Jephson Gardens matched rule floral 10 points
- Lead of the article The Jephson Gardens matched rule floral 20 points
- Article The Jephson Gardens matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article The Jephson Gardens matched rule garden 20 points
- Article The Jephson Gardens matched rule flower\sshow 16 points
- Article The Jephson Gardens matched rule formal\sgarden 16 points
- Lead of the article The Jephson Gardens matched rule formal\sgarden 32 points
- Article The Jephson Gardens matched rule Category:[^\]]*garden 50 points
- Article The Jephson Gardens matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wparks\W 44 points
- Article The Jephson Gardens matched rule flower 6 points
- Article The Jephson Gardens matched rule ornamental 6 points
Total 194 points
- Article Toby Ann Stavisky matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Toby Ann Stavisky matched rule garden 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article First Market Stadium matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
- Lead of the article First Market Stadium matched rule hard(i|y) 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article History of Colombian coffee matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Lead of the article History of Colombian coffee matched rule \Wcrop 20 points
- Article History of Colombian coffee matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Article History of Colombian coffee matched rule \Wacid 6 points
- Article History of Colombian coffee matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article History of Colombian coffee matched rule \Wtree 12 points
Total 43 points
- Article Wilbur Olin Atwater matched rule fertili(s|z) 10 points
- Lead of the article Wilbur Olin Atwater matched rule fertili(s|z) 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Bullfrogs and Butterflies II matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Bullfrogs and Butterflies II matched rule \Wshoots?\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Khaled AlMazeedi matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article John Cummings (musician) matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article ==Cuban Folk Music== matched rule agriculture 10 points
- Article ==Cuban Folk Music== matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Article ==Cuban Folk Music== matched rule disease 6 points
- Article ==Cuban Folk Music== matched rule fruit 6 points
- Article ==Cuban Folk Music== matched rule harvest 6 points
- Article ==Cuban Folk Music== matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 40 points
- Article Leila Bela matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Encebollado matched rule \Wlime\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Maasai Music and Culture matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
- Article Maasai Music and Culture matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Maasai Music and Culture matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article Maasai Music and Culture matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 24 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule \Wspray 5 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule garden 10 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule sprout 10 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule \Wfrost 6 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule \Wseed 6 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule flower 6 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule fruit 6 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule harvest 6 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule hedge 6 points
- Article General Science-Fiction Timeline matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 85 points
- Article Don Suggs matched rule corm 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Asclepias amplexicaulis matched rule \Wusda\W 16 points
- Lead of the article Asclepias amplexicaulis matched rule \Wusda\W 32 points
- Article Asclepias amplexicaulis matched rule flower 6 points
- Lead of the article Asclepias amplexicaulis matched rule flower 12 points
Total 44 points
- Article Mir Bacha Kot District matched rule agriculture 10 points
- Lead of the article Mir Bacha Kot District matched rule agriculture 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule \Wbuds?\W 5 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule \Wpetals?\W 10 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule garden 10 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule \Wacid 6 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule \Wfrost 6 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule \Wweed 6 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule flower 6 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule fruit 6 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
- Article 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 96 points
- Article Karl Ferris matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Karl Ferris matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
- Article Karl Ferris matched rule flower 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article Wayne's World (Mixtape) matched rule \Wtrunk 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Dirk du Toit matched rule agriculture 10 points
- Lead of the article Dirk du Toit matched rule agriculture 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Mishmar HaNegev matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Mishmar HaNegev matched rule agriculture 10 points
- Article Mishmar HaNegev matched rule ornamental 6 points
Total 26 points
- Article Mikula Golubev matched rule \Wplough\W 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Hyberg matched rule landscap 6 points
- Lead of the article Hyberg matched rule landscap 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Shattersphere matched rule \Worchard 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article The Women's Philharmonic matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Niklas Grossman matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Curtis Johnston matched rule \Wpond\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Curtis Johnston matched rule \Wpond\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Straits of Babelmandeb matched rule specimen 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Grant Ranch Park matched rule \Wpond\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Grant Ranch Park matched rule \Wpond\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Lindsey Harding matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
- Lead of the article Lindsey Harding matched rule hard(i|y) 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Povarskaya Street matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Winchester, Massachusetts businesses matched rule floral 10 points
- Lead of the article Winchester, Massachusetts businesses matched rule floral 20 points
- Article Winchester, Massachusetts businesses matched rule landscap 6 points
- Lead of the article Winchester, Massachusetts businesses matched rule landscap 12 points
Total 32 points
- Article Neil McLean (politician) matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Old Scottish Rite Hospital matched rule hardwood 10 points
- Article Old Scottish Rite Hospital matched rule \Wlawns? 6 points
- Article Old Scottish Rite Hospital matched rule disease 6 points
- Article Old Scottish Rite Hospital matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 28 points
- Article William Kittredge matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
- Lead of the article William Kittredge matched rule \Whole\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Japanese Taiko Drumming matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article Japanese Taiko Drumming matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Marcus Jermaine Harris matched rule \Wseed 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article The Foundation Trilogy (BBC Radio) matched rule \Wprune 6 points
- Article The Foundation Trilogy (BBC Radio) matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Article The Foundation Trilogy (BBC Radio) matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 18 points
- Article First Assembly of God Washington matched rule nurser 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article National Association of Service and Conservation Corps - NASCC matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Intersections (1985-2005) matched rule \Wwoody\W 6 points
- Article Intersections (1985-2005) matched rule crown\W 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article In the Sargasso Sea matched rule \Wweed 6 points
- Lead of the article In the Sargasso Sea matched rule \Wweed 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article The Electionist matched rule garden 10 points
- Article The Electionist matched rule \Wfrost 6 points
- Article The Electionist matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article The Electionist matched rule \Wtree 12 points
Total 28 points
- Article Sonchus arvensis matched rule \Wsow 10 points
- Lead of the article Sonchus arvensis matched rule \Wsow 20 points
- Article Sonchus arvensis matched rule \Wusda\W 16 points
- Lead of the article Sonchus arvensis matched rule \Wusda\W 32 points
- Article Sonchus arvensis matched rule flower 6 points
Total 58 points
- Article Edje matched rule container 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Seed of Abraham matched rule \Wseed 6 points
- Lead of the article Seed of Abraham matched rule \Wseed 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Kingfield Neighborhood matched rule \Wcultivat 10 points
- Article Kingfield Neighborhood matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Katie Geralds matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Katie Geralds matched rule \Wfarms?\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article List of Castlevania Monsters and Bosses matched rule \Wslug 10 points
- Article List of Castlevania Monsters and Bosses matched rule garden 10 points
- Article List of Castlevania Monsters and Bosses matched rule gardener 10 points
- Article List of Castlevania Monsters and Bosses matched rule \Wfrost 6 points
- Article List of Castlevania Monsters and Bosses matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
- Article List of Castlevania Monsters and Bosses matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article List of Castlevania Monsters and Bosses matched rule \Wweed 6 points
- Article List of Castlevania Monsters and Bosses matched rule flower 6 points
Total 60 points
- Article Sonchus oleraceus matched rule \Wsow 10 points
- Lead of the article Sonchus oleraceus matched rule \Wsow 20 points
- Article Sonchus oleraceus matched rule \Wusda\W 16 points
- Lead of the article Sonchus oleraceus matched rule \Wusda\W 32 points
- Article Sonchus oleraceus matched rule flower 6 points
Total 58 points
- Article Labrador Ventures matched rule \Wseed 6 points
- Lead of the article Labrador Ventures matched rule \Wseed 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article The Good Kind matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article The Good Kind matched rule \Wtree 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Challengers (album) matched rule pitchfork 10 points
- Lead of the article Challengers (album) matched rule pitchfork 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Animal Olympics matched rule \Wspade\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Pattoki matched rule flower 6 points
- Lead of the article Pattoki matched rule flower 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Washington Area Music Association matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Washington Area Music Association matched rule \Wscales?\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Jean-Pierre Abel Rémusat matched rule hum(us|ic) 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Zimbabwe grounds matched rule nurser 10 points
- Article Zimbabwe grounds matched rule flower 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Sue Dougan matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Sue Dougan matched rule gardening 16 points
Total 26 points
- Article Judy Wicks matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Shades of Two Worlds matched rule \Wwoody\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Zymo research matched rule \Wacid 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Zoo tycoon 3 matched rule alpine 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article 1969 Alpine Skiing World Cup - Men's Downhill matched rule alpine 6 points
- Lead of the article 1969 Alpine Skiing World Cup - Men's Downhill matched rule alpine 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Gangsta Conversation matched rule disease 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Hollyphant matched rule sprout 10 points
- Lead of the article Hollyphant matched rule sprout 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Spraydog matched rule \Wspray 5 points
- Lead of the article Spraydog matched rule \Wspray 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Diana Kerns matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Diana Kerns matched rule gardening 16 points
Total 26 points
- Article Four Letter Word matched rule \Wtopping\W 10 points
- Lead of the article Four Letter Word matched rule \Wtopping\W 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article List of Sun-Rype products matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Star Wars Episode VII: The Dark Arrival matched rule \Wclone\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Star Wars Episode VII: The Dark Arrival matched rule \Wclone\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Saddle Mountain (Clatsop County, Oregon) matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule \Wslug 10 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule \Wspray 5 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule corm 10 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule shovel 10 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule stemmed\W 10 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule \Wacid 6 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule \Wclone\W 6 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule \Wspade\W 6 points
- Article List of hip hop rivalries matched rule \Wspit\W 6 points
Total 93 points
- Article Beautiful Angle matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Concrete Jungle Vol. 1 matched rule disease 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Chris Whitten matched rule flower 6 points
- Lead of the article Chris Whitten matched rule flower 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Richmond Spiders matched rule \Wseed 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article SS. Cyril and Methodius in Lemont matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article SS. Cyril and Methodius in Lemont matched rule \Wscales?\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Chevrolet Groove matched rule \Wscion 16 points
Total 16 points
- Article WOW 2000 matched rule \Wweed 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Chevrolet Beat matched rule \Wscion 16 points
Total 16 points
- Article 1969 Alpine Skiing World Cup - Women's Slalom matched rule alpine 6 points
- Lead of the article 1969 Alpine Skiing World Cup - Women's Slalom matched rule alpine 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Chaga mushroom matched rule \Wcultivat 10 points
- Article Chaga mushroom matched rule \Wacid 6 points
- Lead of the article Chaga mushroom matched rule \Wacid 12 points
- Article Chaga mushroom matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Chaga mushroom matched rule \Wbark\W 12 points
- Article Chaga mushroom matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article Chaga mushroom matched rule \Wtree 12 points
Total 46 points
- Article Double handed matched rule foliage 5 points
- Article Double handed matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Double handed matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 17 points
- Article 1839 in the United Kingdom matched rule \Wfrost 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article 1969 Alpine Skiing World Cup - Women's Giant Slalom matched rule alpine 6 points
- Lead of the article 1969 Alpine Skiing World Cup - Women's Giant Slalom matched rule alpine 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Death church matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Cerf theory matched rule stratification 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Abbotsbury branch railway matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Economic Defence II matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Glendale United Methodist Church matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Fortaleza de Paramonga matched rule \Wcultivat 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Paraphasia matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article Paraphasia matched rule \Wtree 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article 1969 Alpine Skiing World Cup - Women's Downhill matched rule alpine 6 points
- Lead of the article 1969 Alpine Skiing World Cup - Women's Downhill matched rule alpine 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal matched rule \Wtrunk 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Our Noise matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article The Art Center Design College matched rule landscape\sarchitect 16 points
- Article The Art Center Design College matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article Wyncham Stream matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Jo Foxworth matched rule \Wcutting 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Barton Street (Hamilton, Ontario) matched rule crown\W 6 points
- Article Barton Street (Hamilton, Ontario) matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Dom Fernando de Almada matched rule crown\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Deathsport matched rule corm 10 points
- Lead of the article Deathsport matched rule corm 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Seven matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article John Reily Knox matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article John Reily Knox matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Six matched rule \Wpests?\W 10 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Six matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Types of Tuvan Throat Singing matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Purplemelon matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Five matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Elizabeth Melville matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
- Article Elizabeth Melville matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Three matched rule \Wblet 10 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Three matched rule nurser 10 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Three matched rule \Wtimber\W 6 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Three matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Three matched rule disease 6 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Three matched rule flower 6 points
Total 44 points
- Article El Axel matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Two matched rule crown\W 6 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave Two matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Ulsan university matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Ulsan university matched rule nurser 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Abbott Run matched rule \Wpond\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave One matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave One matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave One matched rule alpine 6 points
- Article Walt Disney Treasures: Wave One matched rule flower 6 points
Total 28 points
- Article Type-V mutant matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Article Type-V mutant matched rule nurser 10 points
- Article Type-V mutant matched rule disease 6 points
Total 21 points
- Article Badkulla matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Badkulla matched rule \Wscales?\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article A Vision of Fiammetta matched rule \Wpetals?\W 10 points
- Article A Vision of Fiammetta matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Magnetic tape sound recording matched rule \Wcutting 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Marianus III of Arborea matched rule crown\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Josiah Merritt matched rule \Worchard 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Even The Sand Is Made Of Seashells matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Even The Sand Is Made Of Seashells matched rule \Wsand\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Otto Beit matched rule \Wcultivat 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Autumn Leaves Revisited matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Autumn Leaves Revisited matched rule \Wsand\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Giuseppe Gambarini matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Telling Tales matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
- Article Telling Tales matched rule \Wwoody\W 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Morningstar commune matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Morningstar commune matched rule \Wfarms?\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Orval Hobart Mowrer matched rule \Wmow 10 points
- Lead of the article Orval Hobart Mowrer matched rule \Wmow 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Steam Powered Aereo-Takes matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article William R. Travers matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Paratonia matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article Paratonia matched rule disease 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article The Conformist (film) matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article John of Arborea matched rule \Wcutting 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Mirror syndrome matched rule disease 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Herb Garden matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Herb Garden matched rule garden 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Royal Society of Musicians matched rule disease 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park matched rule Category:[^\]]*\Wparks\W 44 points
Total 44 points
- Article Malawi project matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
- Article Malawi project matched rule \Wirrigat 10 points
- Article Malawi project matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Malawi project matched rule agriculture 10 points
- Article Malawi project matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Malawi project matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 52 points
- Article Juan González (journalist) matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Big River (Rhode Island) matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article We Will Overcome matched rule fruit 6 points
- Lead of the article We Will Overcome matched rule fruit 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Kamen Rider Kuuga (character) matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Trichoderma matched rule \Wusda\W 16 points
- Article Trichoderma matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article Ilex glabra matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Ilex glabra matched rule gardener 10 points
- Article Ilex glabra matched rule \Wusda\W 16 points
- Article Ilex glabra matched rule ornamental\splant 16 points
- Lead of the article Ilex glabra matched rule ornamental\splant 32 points
- Article Ilex glabra matched rule Category:[^\]]*garden 50 points
- Article Ilex glabra matched rule flower 6 points
- Article Ilex glabra matched rule ornamental 6 points
- Lead of the article Ilex glabra matched rule ornamental 12 points
Total 136 points
- Article Augur, Christopher Columbus matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
- Lead of the article Augur, Christopher Columbus matched rule hard(i|y) 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Hey Mister Heartache matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Mark Charles Merenda matched rule harvest 6 points
- Lead of the article Mark Charles Merenda matched rule harvest 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Amtolmetin guacil matched rule \Wacid 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Garden City (LIRR station) matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Garden City (LIRR station) matched rule garden 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India) matched rule \Wcultivat 10 points
- Article Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India) matched rule disease 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Cambo Estate matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Cambo Estate matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Cambo Estate matched rule \Wpond\W 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article Sally Salisbury matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Sally Salisbury matched rule crown\W 6 points
- Article Sally Salisbury matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article Sathon-Klong Toei Express Boat matched rule \Worchard 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Firestone Vineyard matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
- Article Firestone Vineyard matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Article Firestone Vineyard matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Firestone Vineyard matched rule vineyard 6 points
- Lead of the article Firestone Vineyard matched rule vineyard 12 points
- Article Firestone Vineyard matched rule \Wloam\W 6 points
- Article Firestone Vineyard matched rule fruit 6 points
- Article Firestone Vineyard matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 55 points
- Article Vinca (Tell) matched rule \Wcultivat 10 points
- Article Vinca (Tell) matched rule agriculture 10 points
- Article Vinca (Tell) matched rule ornamental 6 points
Total 26 points
- Article Honours of Winston Churchill matched rule \Wcordon 6 points
- Article Honours of Winston Churchill matched rule crown\W 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article 28 Days (album) matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Arcanobacterium matched rule \Wacid 6 points
- Lead of the article Arcanobacterium matched rule \Wacid 12 points
- Article Arcanobacterium matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article Arcanobacterium matched rule disease 12 points
- Article Arcanobacterium matched rule specimen 6 points
- Lead of the article Arcanobacterium matched rule specimen 12 points
Total 36 points
- Article Lamar (Amtrak station) matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Emily Jane Brontë: A Death-Scene matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article History of primitive and non-Western trumpets matched rule \Wplanted\W 10 points
- Article History of primitive and non-Western trumpets matched rule \Wtrunk 5 points
- Article History of primitive and non-Western trumpets matched rule hardwood 10 points
- Article History of primitive and non-Western trumpets matched rule softwood 10 points
- Article History of primitive and non-Western trumpets matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
- Article History of primitive and non-Western trumpets matched rule \Wcutting 6 points
- Article History of primitive and non-Western trumpets matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
- Article History of primitive and non-Western trumpets matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article History of primitive and non-Western trumpets matched rule alpine 6 points
- Article History of primitive and non-Western trumpets matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 71 points
- Article Robert Royce matched rule garden 10 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes botanic(al)?\sgarden
- Article Robert Royce matched rule agriculture 10 points
- Article Robert Royce matched rule botanic(al)?\sgarden 16 points
Total 26 points
- Article Transplants In Mind matched rule transplant 6 points
- Lead of the article Transplants In Mind matched rule transplant 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Slough Council election 2007 matched rule \Wpond\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Puppet lab matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Puppet lab matched rule \Wscales?\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Wendover Arm Canal matched rule watered 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Garden City (Amtrak station) matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Garden City (Amtrak station) matched rule garden 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Dodge City (Amtrak station) matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Greater Double-collared Sunbird matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Greater Double-collared Sunbird matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
- Article Greater Double-collared Sunbird matched rule flower 6 points
- Article Greater Double-collared Sunbird matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 28 points
- Article Wake in Fright matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
- Article Wake in Fright matched rule container 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Cranial electrobiological stimulation matched rule disease 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Bo Hansen matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Prolasius advenus matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Prolasius advenus matched rule \Wsoil\W 10 points
- Article Prolasius advenus matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Qualiteam Software matched rule \Wcutting 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Monomorium smithi matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
- Article Monomorium smithi matched rule \Wseed 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Sydvaranger matched rule blossom 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Romanesque sculpture matched rule \Wtimber\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Romanesque sculpture matched rule \Wtimber\W 12 points
- Article Romanesque sculpture matched rule flower 6 points
Total 18 points
- Article Monomorium antarcticum matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Article Monomorium antarcticum matched rule \Wseed 6 points
- Article Monomorium antarcticum matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 17 points
- Article Simon Fish matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Simon Fish matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
- Article Simon Fish matched rule disease 6 points
Total 18 points
- Article Githa Hariharan matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Huberia striata matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Catherine Taylor (South African politician) matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Matthew Cox matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Matthew Cox matched rule gardener 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Dioscorea esculenta matched rule corm 10 points
- Lead of the article Dioscorea esculenta matched rule corm 20 points
- Article Dioscorea esculenta matched rule flower 6 points
Total 26 points
- Article Heteroponera brounii matched rule \Wslug 10 points
- Article Heteroponera brounii matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Heteroponera brounii matched rule \Wsoil\W 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Live in Concert 2006 matched rule evergreen 5 points
- Article Live in Concert 2006 matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Live in Concert 2006 matched rule garden 20 points
Total 25 points
- Article Gavriil Belostoksky matched rule propagat 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Tourball matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Community Women's Orchestra matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Southern Double-collared Sunbird matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Southern Double-collared Sunbird matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
- Article Southern Double-collared Sunbird matched rule flower 6 points
- Article Southern Double-collared Sunbird matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 28 points
- Article Bubungan Tinggi matched rule floral 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article List of ezhava tharavadus matched rule \Whortus 16 points
Total 16 points
- Article Mendelian randomization matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article Mendelian randomization matched rule disease 12 points
- Article Mendelian randomization matched rule stratification 6 points
Total 18 points
- Article Raymond Berthiaume matched rule fruit 6 points
- Article Raymond Berthiaume matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Steve Regier matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Pachycondyla castaneicolor matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Pachycondyla castaneicolor matched rule \Wsoil\W 10 points
- Article Pachycondyla castaneicolor matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Pachycondyla castaneicolor matched rule garden 20 points
Total 30 points
- Article Pachycondyla castanea matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
- Lead of the article Pachycondyla castanea matched rule \Wsoil\W 10 points
- Article Pachycondyla castanea matched rule garden 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Johor Bahru-Kota Tinggi Highway matched rule \Wtrunk 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Orø matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Chase's Girlfriend matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article National pride survey(singapore) matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Shakdwipi Brahmins matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Forsyth Medical Center matched rule disease 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Lisa Miller (24 character) matched rule \Wsoil\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article 2007 1000km of Monza matched rule \Wmow 10 points
- Article 2007 1000km of Monza matched rule corm 10 points
Total 20 points
- Article Culture of Mysore matched rule \Wscion 16 points
- Article Culture of Mysore matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 22 points
- Article Waltraud Meier matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Taba Border Crossing matched rule container 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Roni Horn matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Reproductive tract infection matched rule disease 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Back to the Future Soundtrack matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article The Aboriginal Dreamtime and Brief History matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
- Article The Aboriginal Dreamtime and Brief History matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article The Aboriginal Dreamtime and Brief History matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article The Aboriginal Dreamtime and Brief History matched rule disease 12 points
- Article The Aboriginal Dreamtime and Brief History matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 30 points
- Article Iraq Super League (2004-2005) matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Hosteen klah matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Hosteen klah matched rule \Wsand\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article The Power Hour matched rule alpine 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article David Meltzer matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Mansfield Lovell matched rule \Wferns?\W 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Full Bloom matched rule pitchfork 10 points
- Article Full Bloom matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Joey Baber matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Joey Baber matched rule \Wbark\W 12 points
- Article Joey Baber matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article Joey Baber matched rule \Wtree 12 points
Total 24 points
- Article John Hummel matched rule \Wslug 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Maldive fish matched rule \Wtimber\W 6 points
- Article Maldive fish matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Inírida flower matched rule flower 6 points
- Lead of the article Inírida flower matched rule flower 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Division matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Best Video (MMVA Award) matched rule \Wtrunk 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Recharging alkaline batteries matched rule \Wacid 6 points
- Article Recharging alkaline batteries matched rule alkaline 6 points
- Lead of the article Recharging alkaline batteries matched rule alkaline 12 points
- Article Recharging alkaline batteries matched rule container 6 points
- Article Recharging alkaline batteries matched rule potassium 6 points
Total 30 points
- Article Wartime Nutrition matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Wartime Nutrition matched rule garden 20 points
- Article Wartime Nutrition matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Wartime Nutrition matched rule \Wfarms?\W 12 points
Total 32 points
- Article Sudan Village (album) matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Toby Stavisky matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Toby Stavisky matched rule garden 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Bethlehem High School(Saskatoon) matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Tommy Douglas Collegiate matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Austen Crehore matched rule \Wbark\W 6 points
- Article Austen Crehore matched rule \Wshoots?\W 6 points
- Article Austen Crehore matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 18 points
- Article Clara ramona matched rule blossom 5 points
- Article Clara ramona matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 11 points
- Article Lake Constance, New Zealand matched rule alpine 6 points
- Lead of the article Lake Constance, New Zealand matched rule alpine 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Entiat River matched rule \Wperennial 16 points
Total 16 points
- Article Table of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles character appearances matched rule blossom 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Oil industry of Russia matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Combretum mossambicense matched rule \Wshrub 5 points
- Lead of the article Combretum mossambicense matched rule \Wshrub 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Gavin Pfuhl matched rule transplant 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Criticism of the FDA matched rule \Wusda\W 16 points
- Article Criticism of the FDA matched rule \Wacid 6 points
- Article Criticism of the FDA matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Criticism of the FDA matched rule disease 6 points
Total 34 points
- Article Lorrie Wilmot matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Article Lorrie Wilmot matched rule disease 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article 1960 Davis Cup matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
- Article 1960 Davis Cup matched rule \Wseed 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Li Jiancheng matched rule crown\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Li Jiancheng matched rule crown\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Touka Gettan matched rule blossom 5 points
Total 5 points
- Article Wifgot matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Article Wifgot matched rule hedge 6 points
- Lead of the article Wifgot matched rule hedge 12 points
Total 18 points
- Article 20th United States Congress - Membership Changes matched rule hedge 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Stalinist Russia matched rule propagat 10 points
- Article Stalinist Russia matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article List of TriStar films matched rule \Wmow 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Garden Valley Collegiate-(GVC) matched rule garden 10 points
- Lead of the article Garden Valley Collegiate-(GVC) matched rule garden 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article List of Paramount films matched rule hedge 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Chinese Farm matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Chinese Farm matched rule \Wfarms?\W 12 points
- Article Chinese Farm matched rule \Wscales?\W 6 points
- Article Chinese Farm matched rule hard(i|y) 6 points
Total 24 points
- Article The Patriot (soundtrack) matched rule \Wfarms?\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Moscow Research Center for Human Rights matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Entry Island matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
- Article Entry Island matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Cape Cod Marathon matched rule vineyard 6 points
The rule is inhibited because article mathes martha's\svineyard
- Article Cape Cod Marathon matched rule \Wcutting 6 points
- Article Cape Cod Marathon matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Notes on a Scandal (soundtrack) matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Microhyla achatina matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Microhyla achatina matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article DVD Apple TV matched rule \Wcrop 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Greg Hawkins matched rule hedge 6 points
- Lead of the article Greg Hawkins matched rule hedge 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Here Come The Noise Makers matched rule blossom 5 points
- Article Here Come The Noise Makers matched rule flower 6 points
Total 11 points
- Article Arthur A. Levine Books matched rule nurser 10 points
- Lead of the article Arthur A. Levine Books matched rule nurser 20 points
Total 20 points
- Article John of Capua matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article John of Capua matched rule disease 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Hip Mama matched rule \Wtree 6 points
- Lead of the article Hip Mama matched rule \Wtree 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Namu Doll matched rule \Wtrunk 5 points
Total 5 points
Total 12 points
- Article 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency matched rule \Wacid 6 points
- Lead of the article 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency matched rule \Wacid 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Recycling timber matched rule \Wtimber\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Recycling timber matched rule \Wtimber\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Azotorrhea matched rule \Wacid 6 points
- Lead of the article Azotorrhea matched rule \Wacid 12 points
- Article Azotorrhea matched rule nitrogen 6 points
- Lead of the article Azotorrhea matched rule nitrogen 12 points
Total 24 points
- Article Nancy Price matched rule \Worchard 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Near Duplicate Algorithms matched rule \Wtree 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Steve Bickerstaff matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Steve Bickerstaff matched rule \Wsand\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Mental illness in art and literature matched rule garden 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Meadow jumping mouse matched rule \Wseed 6 points
- Article Meadow jumping mouse matched rule fruit 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Godinton House matched rule garden 10 points
- Article Godinton House matched rule hedge 6 points
Total 16 points
- Article Razzmatazz (song) matched rule \Wtray 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Seawane Country Club matched rule \Whole\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Seawane Country Club matched rule \Whole\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Lines in the Sand (Bickerstaff) matched rule \Wsand\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Lines in the Sand (Bickerstaff) matched rule \Wsand\W 12 points
Total 12 points
- Article Spirit Trail matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Fred Eiseman matched rule flower 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Frigtards matched rule \Wgrass\W 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Alan D. Taylor matched rule \Wcutting 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article A Man of No Importance, A New Musical matched rule corm 10 points
Total 10 points
- Article Helen evans matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Space Explorers, Inc. matched rule \Wseed 6 points
- Article Space Explorers, Inc. matched rule landscap 6 points
Total 12 points
- Article Eleventh SS Panzer Army matched rule \Wcutting 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Abgent matched rule \Wacid 6 points
- Article Abgent matched rule disease 6 points
- Lead of the article Abgent matched rule disease 12 points
Total 18 points
- Article Chris Knight (album) matched rule harvest 6 points
Total 6 points
- Article Route 36 (Massachusetts) matched rule \Wpond\W 6 points
- Lead of the article Route 36 (Massachusetts) matched rule \Wpond\W 12 points
Total 12 points