Alexandru Athanasiu

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Alexandru Athanasiu (b. January 1, 1955) is a Romanian politician and jurist. A former leader of the Romanian Social Democratic Party (PSDR), he is a member of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) since 2001. Athanasiu served as Prime Minister on an interim basis from December 13 to December 22, 1999, heading the Romanian Democratic Convention (CDR) cabinet after the resignation of Radu Vasile. On January 1, 2007, with the accession of Romania to the European Union, Athanasiu became a Member of the European Parliament for the PSD (inside the Party of European Socialists).

An author of several scientific works, he is the recipient of a doctorate in Law, as well as a professor at the University of Bucharest (since 1999). In 1995, his volume Legea Asigurărilor Sociale ("The Law on Social Security") received the Romanian Academy's Simion Bărnuţiu Award.

[edit] Biography

Born in Bucharest, Athanasiu studied at the Gheorghe Lazăr High School, and later graduated from the Faculty of Law at the local university. Between 1978 and 1982, he was employed by the Bucharest Court of Appeals.

Having joined the newly-created PSDR after the Romanian Revolution of 1989, Athanasiu was first elected to Parliament as a deputy in 1992, being nominated to the Committee for Labor and Social Protection.

A Minister of Labor in the Victor Ciorbea CDR cabinet, he retained the office under Radu Vasile and his own premiership, being replaced by Smaranda Dobrescu during the leadership of Mugur Isărescu. In 1999, he replaced Sergiu Cunescu at the head of the PSDR, leading it into fusion with Adrian Năstase's Party of Social Democracy, PDSR (the fusion led to the creation of the PSD).

In 2000, he was elected to the Romanian Senate on PSDR lists, representing Bihor County (re-elected in 2004 on PSD lists); he stood on the Committee for Foreign Policies. In 2003-2004, Athanasiu also served as Minister of Education in the Adrian Năstase executive (replacing Ecaterina Andronescu).

Athanasiu is married with two children.

Prime Ministers of Romania
 United Principalities of Romania  B. Catargiu | Creţulescu | Kogălniceanu | Creţulescu | L. Catargiu | I. Ghica | Creţulescu | Ş. Golescu | N. Golescu | Ion C. Brătianu | D. Ghica | A. Golescu | Epureanu | I. Ghica | L. Catargiu | Florescu | Epureanu | Ion C. Brătianu | D. Brătianu | Ion C. Brătianu
 Kingdom of Romania  Ion C. Brătianu | Rosetti | L. Catargiu | Florescu | L. Catargiu | Sturdza | Aurelian | Sturdza | Cantacuzino | Carp | Sturdza | Cantacuzino | Sturdza | Ion I. C. Brătianu | Carp | Maiorescu | Ion I. C. Brătianu | Averescu | Marghiloman | Coandă | Ion I. C. Brătianu | Văitoianu | Vaida-Voevod | Averescu | Ionescu | Ion I. C. Brătianu | Averescu | Ştirbey | Ion I. C. Brătianu | V. Brătianu | Maniu | Mironescu | Maniu | Mironescu | Iorga | Vaida-Voevod | Maniu | Vaida-Voevod | Duca | Anghelescu* | Tătărescu | Goga | Cristea | Călinescu | Argeşanu | Argetoianu | Tătărescu | Gigurtu | Antonescu | Sănătescu | Rădescu | Groza
 Communist Romania  Groza | Gheorghiu-Dej | Stoica | Maurer | Mănescu | Verdeţ | Dăscălescu
 Romania since 1989  Roman | Stolojan | Văcăroiu | Ciorbea | Dejeu* | Vasile | Athanasiu* | Isărescu | Năstase | Bejinariu* | Popescu-Tăriceanu
* denotes interim

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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