Alexander Macklin

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Alexander Macklin
Born 1889
Died 21 March 1967
Aberdeen, Scotland
Occupation Doctor, Explorer
Spouse Jean

Alexander Hepburne Macklin (188921 March 1967) was a British doctor who served as one of the two surgeons on Sir Ernest Shackleton's Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914–1917. In 1922 he joined Shackleton on his last expedition on the Quest.


[edit] Early life

Macklin was born in 1889 in India, where his father was practising as a doctor. When his family returned to England they settled the Scilly Isles, where his father had a practice. He went at Plymouth College and then to the University of London. After working for a short time as a deckhand, he continued his education at the Victoria University of Manchester, where he qualified as a doctor.

[edit] Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition

Soon after qualifying he applied to join Shackleton's expedition and was accepted. As well as his surgeon's duties he was put in charge of the ship's dogs and was also assigned a team of sledge dogs to drive. The Endurance became trapped in the ice and was later crushed, forcing Shackleton to lead his men across the ice to open water where they travelled by boat to Elephant Island. After the ship became trapped in the ice, Macklin's dog team was put to work. He brought back several seals that had been shot for food, and once the men began the long trek across the ice, he and the other dog teams were sent back to Ocean Camp (the first camp established near the ship) to fetch supplies. Eventually all the dogs had to be shot, but Macklin's team was the last to be killed.

After arriving at Elephant Island, Shackleton and five men took one of the boats, the James Caird, and set out to fetch help from South Georgia. Macklin and McIlroy, the other surgeon, were left behind as Shackleton knew the skills would be required more on the island than on the boat: Rickinson had a heart condition, Hudson was suffering a nervous breakdown. Blackborow had gangrene in his toes and shortly after the boat left, Macklin and McIlroy were forced to amputate all the toes on his left foot; Macklin gave him a chloroform anesthetic while McIlroy removed the toes. Like most of the other crew members, Macklin was awarded the Silver Polar Medal for his efforts during the expedition.

[edit] After the expedition

On his return to England, Macklin gained a commission in the Royal Army Medical Corps. During World War I he served in France, Russia and Italy. He won the Military Cross (MC) for bravery in tending the wounded under fire while serving in Italy.

Together with former Endurance crew members Worsley, Hussey, Wild, McIlroy, Kerr, MacLeod and Charles Green, Shackleton invited Macklin to join him for the Shackleton-Rowett Expedition in 1922 on board the Quest. Shackleton had no fixed plans for the expedition; the ship put in at Rio de Janeiro and then headed for South Georgia. Shackleton was troubled with heart pain throughout the voyage, but despite Macklin's orders refused to rest. In Rio, Shackleton suffered a heart attack but would not let Macklin examine him. The ship landed in South Georgia on 4 January 1922. Early in the morning of 5 January, Macklin was called to Shackleton's quarters to find him having another heart attack. He died shortly after Macklin arrived. As the ship's surgeon, it was Macklin's role to prepare the body for burial on South Georgia.

In 1926 Macklin established a practise in Dundee, where he would work for the next 21 years. During World War II, he served in the Medical Corps in East Africa as a Lieutenant Colonel. He received the Territorial Decoration (TD) and later was awarded an OBE.

He married Jean in 1948 and moved to Aberdeen where he worked in various of the Aberdeen hospitals before retiring in 1960. He and Jean had two sons. He died on 21 March 1967.

[edit] References

NAME Macklin, Alexander Hepburne
DATE OF DEATH 21 March 1967
PLACE OF DEATH Aberdeen, Scotland
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