Alexander H. Joffe

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Alexander H. Joffe (b. 1959) is an archaeologist and historian.


[edit] Biography

Dr. Joffe graduated from Cornell University and received a Ph.D. in Near Eastern archeology from the University of Arizona.[1]

[edit] Academic career

From 1993-2000, Joffe taught archaeology in the department of anthropology at the Pennsylvania State University. In Israel he participated in fieldwork at Tel Miqne, Tel Dor, Tel Yaqush, Tel el-Hammeh, Beesheva, and elsewhere. he directed a survey of Tel Rekhesh in 1998. In 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1998, he was a member of the senior staff at the Megiddo project, directing the excavation of Area H, a major Iron Age field, and analyzing the Early Bronze Age ceramics. He was a lecturer on archeology at State University of New York at Purchase from 2002 to 2004. He directed the Campus Watch project of the Middle East Forum from 2004 to 2006.

[edit] Publications

Publications-Archaeology/Ancient History Monographs

Settlement and Society in the Early Bronze Age I-II Southern Levant: Complementarity and Contradiction in a Small-Scale Complex Society. Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 4. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press (1993).


“Archaeology and Media in an Open Society.” Society 43/6: 71-76. (2006).

“Athens and Jerusalem in the Third Millennium: Culture, Comparison, and the Evolution of Social Complexity.” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 17/2: 247-267. (2004).

“On the Language of Complex Societies: Reply to Michael Heltzer.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 46/4: 529-533. (2003).

“Identity/Crisis.” Archaeological Dialogues 10/1:77-95 (2003).

“The Politics of Israeli Archaeology: 'Nationalism' and 'Science' in the Second Republic.” With R. Hallote. Israel Studies 7/3: 84-116 (2002). (second author).

“The Rise of Secondary States in the Iron Age Levant.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 45/4:425-467 (2002). Reprinted in N. Yoffee (ed.), Excavating Asian History: Interdisciplinary Studies Relating Archaeological and Historical Sources in the Study of Pre-Modern Asia, University of Arizona Press.

“The Gilat Woman: Female Iconography, Chalcolithic Cult, and the End of Southern Levantine Prehistory.” With J.P. Dessel and R. Hallote. Near Eastern Archaeology 61/1-2:8-23 (2001). (first author).

“Egypt and Syro-Mesopotamia in the 4th Millennium: Implications of the New Chronology.” Current Anthropology. 41/1: 113-123 (2000).

“Ethnicity in the Iron I Southern Levant: Marginal Notes.” Akkadica 112:27-33 (1999).

“Tel Rekhesh, 1998.” With J. Hansen, L. Nordt, and P. Goldberg. Israel Exploration Journal 49/1-2:138-141 (1999).

“Tel Rekhesh, Eastern Lower Galilee, Israel: 1998 Pilot Season.” With J. Hansen, L. Nordt, and P. Goldberg. Orient-Express 1998/3:66-68 (1998).

“‘Disembedded Capitals’ in Western Asian Perspective.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 40/3:549-580 (1998).

“Alcohol and Social Complexity in Ancient Western Asia.” Current Anthropology 39/3: 297-322 (1998).

“Redefining Chronology and Terminology for the Chalcolithic of the Southern Levant.” With J.P. Dessel. Current Anthropology 36/3:507-518 (1995). (first author).

“Early Bronze I and the Evolution of Social Complexity in the Southern Levant.” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 4:3-58 (1991).

Book Chapters

“The Rise of Secondary States in the Iron Age Levant.” In Excavating Asian History: Interdisciplinary Studies Relating Archaeological and Historical Sources in the Study of Pre-Modern Asia, N. Yoffee and Bradley L. Crowell (eds.), pp. 67-113. University of Arizona Press. (2006). Reprinted from the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient.

“Slouching toward Beersheva: Chalcolithic Mortuary Practices in Local and Regional Context,” in The Near East in The Southwest, Essays in Honor of William G. Dever, (B. Alpert-Nakhai, ed.), pp. 45-67. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 58. American Schools of Oriental Research. (2003).

“Early Bronze Age Seal Impressions from the Jezreel Valley and the Problem of Sealing in the Southern Levant” in Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse, (S. Wolff, ed.), pp. 355-375. Oriental Institute Press. (2001).

“Alternative Approaches to Early Bronze Age Ceramics,” With J.P. Dessel, in Ceramics and Change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant, (G. Phillip and D. Baird, eds.), Sheffield Academic Press. Pp. 31-58. (2000). (second author).

“Megiddo,” in Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. (D.N. Freedman, ed.), pp. 878-881. Grand Rapids, MI. Wm.B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (2000).

“Decorated Early Bronze Age Sherds,” in Megiddo III, The 1992-1996 Seasons, (D. Ussishkin, I. Finkelstein, and B. Halpern, eds.), pp. 421-422. Tel Aviv: Ramot Press. (2000).

“Area H, Stratigraphy and Architecture,” in Megiddo III, The 1992-1996 Seasons, (D. Ussishkin, I. Finkelstein, and B. Halpern, eds.), pp. 140-160. Tel Aviv: Ramot Press. (2000).

“The Early Bronze Age Pottery from Area J,” in Megiddo III, The 1992-1996 Seasons, (D. Ussishkin, I. Finkelstein, and B. Halpern, eds., pp. 161-185. Tel Aviv: Ramot Press. (2000).

“Beth Yerah”, in Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, (E.M. Meyers, ed.), volume 1, pp. 312-314. New York: Oxford University Press. (1997).

“Tell el-Fâr‘ah North”, Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, (E.M. Meyers, ed.), volume 2, pp. 303-304. New York: Oxford University Press. (1997).

“New Archaeology”, Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, (E.M. Meyers, ed.), volume 4, pp.134-138. New York: Oxford University Press. (1997).

“Palestine: The Bronze Age”, Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, (E.M. Meyers, ed.), volume 4, pp. 212-217. New York: Oxford University Press. (1997).


“Highbridge Park/Harlem River Prehistory.” Trans-Manhattan Expressway Project. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS. Inc. New York, NY, November, 2003.

“Shore Parkway Gap 3.” New York City Department of Transportation. Assessment and Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS. Inc. New York, NY, November, 2003.

“Paleoenvironment, Prehistory, and Contact Period Archaeology of Southern Connecticut.” Connecticut Department of Transportation, Assessment and Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS. Inc. New York, NY. June 2003.

“Geology and Historical Geography of East Marion, Long Island.” Cove Beach Estates, Assessment and Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS, Inc. New York, NY. June 2003.

“Prehistory of Long Island.” Cove Beach Estates, Assessment and Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS, Inc. New York, NY. May 2003.

“Water Powered Mills.” Connecticut Department of Transportation, Documentation of Beers-Burnham Mill Industrial Archaeological Complex, Hampton, CT. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS, Inc. New York, NY. December 2002.

“History of the Lower Hudson River Valley.” New York State Thruway Authority/ Metropolitan Transportation Authority/ Metro-North Railroad, Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Major Investment Study. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS, Inc. New York, NY. December 2002.

“Prehistory of the Lower Hudson River Valley.” New York State Thruway Authority/ Metropolitan Transportation Authority/ Metro-North Railroad, Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Major Investment Study. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS. Inc. New York, NY. October 2002.

“Paleoenvironment, Prehistory, and Contact Period Archaeology of Inland Connecticut.” Connecticut Department of Transportation, Assessment and Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey, Improvements to State Route 14A in the Vicinity of Sterling Hill Road. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS. Inc. New York, NY. May 2002.

“Prehistory of Washington, D.C.” Kennedy Center, Environmental Assessment for Kennedy Center Access Improvements, Federal Highway Authority. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS. Inc. New York, NY. April 2002.

“Historical Geography of Roslyn, Long Island.” New York State Department of Transportation, Archaeological Investigation Ramp B Area. Submitted to Earth Tech-TAMS. Inc. New York, NY. February 2002.

“Paleoenvironment, Prehistory, and Contact Period Archaeology of Coastal Connecticut.” Connecticut Department of Transportation, Archaeological Assessment and Reconnaissance Survey. Submitted to TAMS Consultants, Inc. New York, NY. August 2001.

“Upper Hudson River Valley Prehistory.” U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/ Omaha District, Responsiveness Summary, Hudson River PCBs, Stage IA Cultural Resources Survey. Submitted to TAMS Consultants, Inc. New York, NY. July 2001.

Short Reports and Comments

“Megiddo, Moussaieff, and Me.” Bible and Interpretation, September 2005,

“The Ages of BAR.” Bible and Interpretation, September 2005.

“The Iraq Museum, Reloaded.” Tech Central Station, May 10, 2005.

“Are Fakes So Bad?” Bible and Interpretation, June 2004.

“The Tel Rekhesh Regional Project.” Penn State Jewish Studies Program Newsletter, Summer 1998, 6-7.

“Archaeology in Israel, Where is it Going?” Penn State Jewish Studies Program Newsletter, Spring 1997, 6-8.

Comment on A.G. Frank, “The Bronze Age World System and its Cycles.” Current Anthropology 34:412-413 (1993).

“Report of the George A. Barton Fellow.” Newsletter of the American Schools of Oriental Research 41:6 (1991).

Publications-Modern History/International Affairs/Policy

“American Jews Between Best and Worst of Times.” Covenant, A Global Jewish Magazine 1.1 (2006).

“Leaders, Leadership, and the Polar Night” Journal of International Security Affairs 8: 113-127. (2005).

“Museum Madness in Iraq.” Middle East Quarterly 11/2:31-43. (2004).

“The Empire That Dare Not Speak its Name, Part 2: An Empire That Looks Like America.” Journal of International Security Affairs 6: 25-37. (2004).

“The Empire That Dare Not Speak its Name, Part 1: Reporting from Somewhere Between Overreach and Backlash.” Journal of International Security Affairs 5:31-39 (2003).

“Baseball and Broken Windows: Effecting Culture Change in the Middle East,” Journal of International Security Affairs 4:5-15 (2003).

“Eyes Wide Shut, and How They Got That Way: Review of M. Kramer, Ivory Towers on Sand: The Failure of Middle Eastern Studies in America.” Journal of International Security Affairs 3:103-109 (2002).

“Egypt and the Search for Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Journal of International Security Affairs 2:15-28 (2002).

“After Saddam is Gone.” Middle East Quarterly 7/2: 33-41 (2000).

“Dismantling Intelligence Agencies.” Crime, Law and Social Change 32/4:325-345 (1999).

Publications-Environmental Studies

“Incorporating Environmental Considerations into Arms Control: Some Practical Considerations.” Disarmament Diplomacy 77: 18-22 (2004).

“Beyond Sand and Water: Middle Eastern Environmental Security in the 21st Century.” Journal of International Security Affairs 1:87-96. (2001).

“Review Article: Want Not, Waste Not: The Environmental Impact of Two Generations of WMD Proliferation and the Implications for Asia.” Crime, Law and Social Change 35/4:333-356 (2001).

“Environmental Security and the Consequences of WMD Production: An Emerging International Issue.” Disarmament Diplomacy 54:16-19 (2001).

“Drug Production and the Environment in Lebanon” Middle East Intelligence Bulletin 2/9 (2000).

“The Environmental Legacy of Saddam Husayn: The Archaeology of Totalitarianism in Modern Iraq.” Crime, Law and Social Change 33/4: 313-328. (2000).

Book Reviews-Archaeology, Anthropology, and Cultural Studies

Review of E. Braun, Early Beth Shan (Strata XIX-XIII): G.M. Fitzgerald’s Deep Cut on the Tell. American Journal of Archaeology 110:670-671. (2006).

Review of M. Bernhardsson, Reclaiming a Plundered Past: Archaeology and Nationalism in Modem Iraq. Middle East Quarterly 13/4: 86-87. (2006).

Review of A. Maeir, et al. (eds), The Rural Landscapes of Ancient Israel. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 340: 86-88. (2005).

Review of N.Abu El-Haj, Facts on the Ground, Archaeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 64/4:297-304. (2005).

Review of M. Bernal, Black Athena Writes Backs. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 64/2:146-150. (2005).

Review of J. Lovell, The Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in the Southern Levant and S. Kerner, Das Chalkolithikum in der südlichen Levante. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 64/2:143-144. (2005).

Review of M. Konrad, Der spätrömische Limes in Syrien: Archäologische Untersuchungen an den Grenzkastellen von Sura, Tetrapyrgium, Cholle und in Resafa. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 64/1:70-71. (2005).

Review of H.Genz, Die frühbronzezeitliche Keramik von Hirbet ez-Zeraqon. Mit Studien zur Chronologie und functionalen Deutung frühbronzezeitlicher Keramik in der südlichen Levant. Journal of the American Oriental Society 124/2:369-371. (2004).

Review of Susan L. Cohen, Canaanites, Chronologies, and Connections, The Relationship of Middle Bronze Age IIA Canaan to Middle Kingdom Egypt. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 63/4:317-318. (2004).

Review of A. Bellow, In Praise of Nepotism. Society 41/6: 74-79. (2004).

Review of E.C.M. van den Brink and T.E. Levy (eds.), Egypt and the Levant, Interrelations from the 4th through the Early 3rd Millennium BCE. American Journal of Archaeology108/3: 455-456. (2004).

Review of Y. Goren and P. Fabien, Kissufim Road, A Chalcolithic Mortuary Site. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 334:74-75. (2004).

Review of B. MacDonald, “East of the Jordan,” Territories and Sites of the Hebrew Scriptures. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 63/2: 129. (2004)

Review of S. Moscati, The Face of the Ancient Orient, Near Eastern Civilization in Pre-Classical Times. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 63/2: 128. (2004)

Review of Gershon Galil and Moshe Weinfeld, eds., Studies in Historical Geography & Biblical Historiography Presented to Zecharia Kallai. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 63/1: 68-69. (2004).

Review of A.V.G. Betts (ed.), The Harra and the Hamad, Excavations and Surveys in Eastern Jordan, Volume 1. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 63/1: 59. (2004).

Review of S. Pike and S. Gitin, (eds.), The Practical Impact of Science on Near Eastern and Aegean Archaeology. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/4: 315. (2003).

Review of B. Green, Mikhail Bakhtin and Biblical Scholarship, An Introduction. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/4:305-306. (2003).

Review of N. Ben-Yehuda, Sacrificing Truth, Archaeology and the Myth of Masada. Middle East Quarterly 10/4:89-90. (2003).

Review of D.T. Ariel (ed.), Excavations at the City of David, Volume V. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/3: 210-211. (2003).

Review of C.E. Walsh, The Fruit of the Vine: Viticulture in Ancient Israel. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/3: 209-210. (2003).

Review of J. Cauvin, The Birth of the Gods and the Origins of Agriculture. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/3: 207-209. (2003).

Review of Mark Edmundson, Teacher. Society 40/5:88-90. (2003).

Review of D. Armstrong, Drinking with the Dead: Alcohol and Altered States in Ancestor Veneration Rituals of Zhou Dynasty China and Iron Age Palestine. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/2: 150-151. (2003).

Review of D. Oredsson, Moats in Ancient Palestine. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/2: 125-126. (2003).

Review of K.L. Sparks, Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Israel. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/2: 137-138. (2003).

Review of J.C.H. Laughlin, Archaeology and the Bible. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/2: 124-125. (2003).

Review of R. Deutsch, Messages from the Past, Hebrew Bullae from the Time of Isaiah Through the Destruction of the First Temple and R. Deutsch and A. Lemaire, Biblical Period Personal Seals in the Shlomo Moussaieff Collection. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/2: 119-124. (2003).

Review of I. Pardes, The Biography of Ancient Israel, National Narratives in the Bible. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/1:59. (2003)

Review of G. Markoe, Phoenicians. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/1:42. (2003)

Review of Y. Garfinkel, Neolithic and Chalcolithic Pottery of the Southern Levant. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/1:34-35. (2003)

Review of E.S. Stone and P. Zimansky, The Iron Age Settlement at ‘Ain Dara, Syria: Survey and Surroundings. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/1:33. (2003)

Review of H. Gasche and M. Tanret (eds.), Changing Watercourses in Babylonia, Towards a Reconstruction of the Ancient Environment in Lower Mesopotamia. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 62/1:31-33. (2003)

Review of P.S. Ash, David, Solomon and Egypt, A Reassessment. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 61/4:288. (2002).

Review of M. Kochavi et al., Aphek/Antipatris I. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 32784-85. (2002).

Review of R. Poe, Black Spark, White Fire, Did African Explorers Civilize Ancient Europe? Journal of Near Eastern Studies 61/2:152-156. (2002).

Review of A. Mazar (ed.), Timnah (Tel Batash) I, Final Reports. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 61/2:151-152. (2002).

Review of H. Shanks (ed.), Ancient Israel, From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 61/2:149-150. (2002). Reprinted in Biblical Archaeology Review May/June 2003.

Review of J.D. Currid, Doing Archaeology in the Land of the Bible. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 61/2:149. (2002).

Review of R. Burns, Monuments of Syria: An Historical Guide. American Journal of Archaeology 106/1:127-128 (2002).

Review of D.A. Poirer and K.L. Feder (eds.), Dangerous Places: Health, Safety, and Archaeology. Near Eastern Archaeology 64/3 (2001):159-160.

Review of S. Bourke and J.-P. Descoeudres (eds.), Trade, Contact, and the Movement of Peoples in the Eastern Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of J. Basil Hennessy. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 60/4:292-293. (2001).

Review of J. Magness and S. Gitin (eds)., Hesed Ve-Emet, Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 60/3:234. (2001).

Review of S. Forsberg, Near Eastern Destruction Datings as Sources for Greek and Near Eastern Iron Age Chronology: Archaeological and Historical Case Studies: The Cases of Samaria (722 B.C.) and Tarsus (696 B.C.). Journal of Near Eastern Studies 60/3:218-219. (2001).

Review of S. Jones, The Archaeology of Ethnicity: Constructing Identities in the Past and Present. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 60/3:211-214. (2001).

Review of S. Swiny et al. (eds.), Res Maritimae, Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean from Prehistory to Late Antiquity. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 60/3:209-210. (2001).

Review of A. Hoerth, Archaeology and the Old Testament. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 60/2:150-151 (2001).

Review of A. Ben-Tor, (ed.), Hazor, The Fifth Season, 1968. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59/4:296-299. (2000).

Review of D. Campana (ed.), Before Farming, Hunter-Gatherer Society and Subsistence. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59/2:226-227. (2000).

Review of I. Finkelstein, Living on the Fringe, The Archaeology and History of the Negev, Sinai and Neighbouring Regions in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59/2:225-226. (2000).

Review of C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Beyond the Tigris and Euphrates: Bronze Age Civilizations. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59/3:219-220. (2000).

Review of G. Fussman and D. König, Die Felsbildstation Shatial. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59/2:150. (2000).

Review of W.G. Dever (ed.), Preliminary Excavation Reports, Sardis, Idalion, and Tell el-Handaquq North. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59/2:149-150. (2000).

Review of B. Roberts, Landscapes of Settlement, Prehistory to the Present. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 59/2:149. (2000).

Review of T. Schick, The Cave of the Warrior, A Fourth Millennium Burial in the Judean Desert. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 317: 76-77. (2000).

Review of H. de Contenson, Aswad et Ghoraifé: Sites Néolithiques en Damascene (Syrie) aux IXème et VIIIème Millenaires Avant L’ère Chretienne. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 58/4:273-275. (1999).

Review of J.-L. Huot, Les Premiers Villageois de Mésopotamie. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 58/4:272-273. (1999).

Review of H. Shanks (ed.), Archaeology’s Publication Problem, and L.G. Herr with W.C. Trenchard, Published Pottery of Palestine. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 58/4:279-281. (1999).

Review of A. Biran et al., Dan I: A Chronicle of the Excavations, the Pottery Neolithic, The Early Bronze Age, and the Middle Bronze Age Tombs. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 58/4:277-279. (1999).

Review of N.A. Silberman and D. Small (eds), The Archaeology of Israel: Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present, B.S.J. Isserlin, The Israelites, and A. Hoerth, Archaeology and the Old Testament. American Journal of Archaeology 103/3:541-543 (1999).

Review of D. Ussishkin, The Village of Silwan - The Necropolis from the Period of the Judaean Kingdom. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 58/3:220-222 (1999).

Review of Archaeological Remains In Situ Preservation and M.A. Cooper et al. (eds.), Managing Archaeology. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 58/2:136-137 (1999).

Review of F.W. James and P.E. McGovern, The Late Bronze Age Egyptian Garrison at Beth Shan: A Study of Levels VII and VIII. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 58/2:127-128 (1999).

Review of E. Braun (ed.), Yiftah'el: Salvage and Rescue Excavations at a Prehistoric Village in Lower Galilee, Israel. Mitekufat Ha’even (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) 28: 189-196 (1998).

Review of I. Hodder, (ed.). On the Surface: Çatalhöyük 1993-95. American Journal of Archaeology 102/4:830-831 (1998).

Review of J.D. Seger, Retrieving the Past: Essays on Archaeological Research and Methodology in Honor of Gus W. Van Beek. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 310:94-96 (1998).

Review of M. van Loon (ed.), “Hans” Frankfort’s Early Years Based on His Letters to “Bram” van Reqteren Altena. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 57/3:232-234 (1998).

Review of I. Hodder, Theory and Practice in Archaeology, and Ian Hodder, et al. (eds.), Interpreting Archaeology: Finding Meaning in the Past. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 57/3:230-232 (1998).

Review of E. Tchernov, An Early Neolithic Village in the Jordan Valley, Part II: The Fauna of Netiv Hagdud. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 57/2:144-145 (1998).

Review of S. Gitin (ed.), Recent Excavations in Israel: A View to the West. Reports on Kabri, Nami, Miqne-Ekron, Dor & Ashkelon. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 57/2:143-144 (1998)

Review of M.W. Chavales and J.L. Hayes (eds.), New Horizons in the Study of Ancient Syria. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 56/4:285-287 (1997).

Review of Biblical Archaeology Today 1990. Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 56/4:279-281 (1997).

Review of R. E. Tappy, The Archaeology of Israelite Samaria. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 56/2:129-132 (1997).

Review of E. Miron, Axes and Adzes from Canaan. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 56/2-132-133 (1997).

Review of R. Gonen, Burial Customs and Cultural Diversity in Late Bronze Age Canaan. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55/4:297-300 (1996).

Review of Z. Gal, The Lower Galilee during the Iron Age. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55/4:295-297 (1996).

Review of M. Zeder, Feeding Cities: Specialized Animal Economy in the Ancient Near East. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55/2:127-132 (1996).

Review of A. Leonard, Jr., The Jordan Valley Survey, 1953: Some Unpublished Soundings Conducted by James Mellaart. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 50. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55/2:132-134 (1996).

Review of E. Oldenburg, Sukas IX: The Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Periods. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55/1:63-65 (1996).

Review of E.F. Campbell, Jr., Shechem II: The Shechem Regional Survey, and J.M. Miller (ed.), Archaeological Survey of the Kerak Plateau. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 54/4:299-302 (1995).

Review of D.A. Dorsey, The Roads and Highways of Ancient Israel. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 54/3:232-234 (1995).

Review of M. van Loon (ed.), Hammam et-Turkman I, Report on the University of Amsterdam’s 1981-84 Excavations in Syria. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 54/2:152-154 (1995).

Review of G. Algaze, The Uruk World System, The Dynamics of Expansion of Early Mesopotamian Civilization. Journal of Field Archaeology 21/4: 512-516 (1994). Republished in the Journal of World-Systems Research 1:16.4 (1995).

Review of Eretz-Israel 21 (Ruth Amiran volume). Journal of Near Eastern Studies 53/3:217-221 (1994).

Review of B. MacDonald, The Wadi el Hasa Archaeological Survey 1979-1983, West-Central Jordan and M. Haiman, Map of Har Hamran-Southwest. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 285:90-94 (1992).

[edit] References

  1. ^ [1]