Alexander Arutiunian

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Alexander Grigorevich Arutiunian (b. Yerevan, Armenia, September 23, 1920) is an Armenian composer and pianist. In 1949, he was awarded the USSR State Prize for the Motherland cantata, a graduation piece he wrote as a student at the Moscow Conservatory. He has continued to win acclaim at home and abroad for his works, many of which are quickened by the folk traditions of Armenian music.

Some of Arutiunian's works for wind instruments, notably the 1950 concerto for trumpet, the concerto for tuba, and the brass quintet Armenian Scenes, have secured their place in the international repertory, having been performed by conductors such as Valeri Gergiev, who has recorded his Symphony for large orchestra, composed in 1957 with the Symphony orchestra of the Russian All-Union Radio. In 1988, he composed his Violin Concerto "Armenia-88".

[edit] Trumpet Concerto in A-flat major (1950)

  • 1.Andante—Allegro energico
  • 2.Meno mosso
  • 3.Tempo I

[edit] Analysis

The melodic and rhythmic characteristics of Armenian folk music are a strong influence in Arutiunian’s work. As a composer, he expresses his nationality by incorporating the flavor of ashughner (folk minstrel) improvisations. At the time the concerto was written, his compositional style was similar to Khachaturian's. However, in the 1960s he tended towards classical forms and clearer tonality.

Arutiunian’s trumpet concerto was his sixth major composition. It was written in 1950 for the renowned trumpet player, Timofei Dokschitzer. The concerto's introduction to the United States is solely due to Dokschitzer, who emigrated to the USA and brought the concerto with him.

[edit] External links

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