Alexander Arotin

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Alexander Arotin
Alexander Arotin

Alexander Arotin (born 20 April 1970 in Vienna) is an Austrian visual artist, director and designer currently based in Barcelona, Paris, Berlin and Venice.

He studied composition and piano at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Vienna at 16 and in 1994 earned a diploma on Beckett from the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

Notable works include a representation of García Lorca's Amor de Don Perlimpín con Belisa en su jardín in the 1992 Salzburg Festival, and a theatrical inauguration event at the Stadthaus Ulm inspired by Beckett's Happy Days.

Arotin is currently developing a work-in-progress project entitled non-lieu. The first version was presented in January 2005: Beckett's Waiting for Godot with Hans Christian Rudolph, Sebastian Mirow, Karl Merkatz, and Philipp Sebastian, and music by Olga Neuwirth.

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