Alex Standish

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Alex Standish (born 1963) is an intelligence analyst and military expert. He is editor of Strategic Intelligence Review, is a former BBC Panorama producer, a former foreign correspondent for the BBC and The Economist, and occasional TV and radio personality. From 2000 until 2006 he was editor of Jane's Intelligence Digest. He particularly reports on geopolitical, global security, and terrorism issues in the Balkans, Russia, Central Europe, and the Middle East. He is a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute and the Royal Institution. He is an Honorary Research Associate in Durham University's Department of Anthropology. From 1995-1997 he was the associate editor of Metal Bulletin and chaired the International Aluminium Conferences in 1995 and 1996.

As a broadcaster, his television and radio documentary credits include 78 Days: an Audit of War (BBC2); Moral Combat: NATO at War (BBC Panorama); With Us or Against Us (BBC Radio 4); Death of a Sister (C4); The Killing of Sister Guilford (C4); Guantanamo Guidebook (Channel 4); What Do They Know About Us? (BBC Radio 4) and New Europeans (BBC World Service). He also provides regular current affairs analysis for BBC Newsnight; the BBC World Service; BBC Radio 4; CNN; CNBC and other international news services. He was a principal ITN news analyst in the aftermath of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the USA and the main BBC Radio 4 and World Service commentator during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

His most controversial television role was as the military intelligence expert in the Channel Four experimental documentary Guantanamo Guidebook (February 2005) which examined in graphic detail US interrogation techniques authorised for use on Guantanamo Bay detainees suspected of being terrorists.

A graduate of St Chad's College, University of Durham, and former sabbatical officer of Durham Students' Union, he returned to his former college as Senior Research Fellow in 2003. He also currently serves as Director of Development and Alumni Relations at St Chad's College, and is Coach of the Rugby team.

His publications include Kosovo One Year On: the Crisis and its Consequences (CRCE, 2000) and he was joint-author of Albanian Identities: Myth and History (Hurst, 2002).

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