Alex Odeh

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Alex Odeh was an Arab-American who was killed in a October 11, 1985 bombing at his office in Santa Ana, California. Odeh was regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC).

Born into a Palestinian Christian family in Jifna, the West Bank, Odeh immigrated to the US in 1972.

Odeh's murder was never solved by the FBI, and there is still a $1 million reward for the capture of his killer. There have been many claims that the Jewish Defense League was involved in his murder. JDL members Robert Manning and his wife Rochelle were indicted for the bombing, but have not been tried. The United States Department of Justice reported, in 1985, that the FBI suspected several other JDL members of being involved in a series of other violent incidents in that year.[1] The Mannings and the other FBI bombing suspects, Keith Fuchs and Andy Green, fled to Israel, where they were involved in other anti-Arab incidents. All became active supporters of Meir Kahane.[2]

No evidence linking the JDL to Odeh's death exists. The JDL has denied any involvement in Odeh's killing and states its belief he was murdered by "rival terrorist groups", such as Hamas.[1]. However, Hamas didn't exist in 1985, nor ADC had links to any terrorist group.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Kushner, Harvey W. (2002). Encyclopedia of Terrorism, pp. 192-193. Sage Publications Inc. ISBN 0-7619-2408-6
  2. ^ Juergensmeyer, Mark (2000). Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence, p. 55. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-22301-2

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