Alex Linder

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Alex Linder (born 1966) is the owner and operator of the Vanguard News Network (VNN), an antisemitic, white supremacist website launched in 2000, one of the most active white supremacist sites on the Internet, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Its motto is "No Jews. Just Right."

The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that the website "[offends] even many of the most extreme racists and anti-Semites with Linder's potty humor [and] untrammeled misogyny." [1]


[edit] Background

According to the ADL, Linder has said he was raised an "upper-middle-class suburban kid". The ADL reports that he graduated with a bachelor's degree from Pomona College in Claremont, CA in 1988, then worked as a researcher for CNN on the Evans & Novak political show, and then at The American Spectator. [2]

[edit] Political life

Linder is an ex-member of the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi, white-nationalist group. He left after deciding to allow criticism of the National Alliance to appear on the VNN forums. [1]

In January 2005, Linder announced his intention to set up the White Freedom Party, stating it was "America's first political party advocating Aryan interests and specifically naming the jew as the agent of White genocide and greatest obstacle to our people's self-preservation as a distinct and protected people." It threatened to "WAGE NONSTOP WAR [sic] on the jews, coloreds, and mainstream sellouts ..." [2] No further information is available about the party as of February 2007.

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Beirich, Heidi & Potok, Mark. "40 to Watch", Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report, 2005.
  2. ^ "Alex Linder/Vanguard News Network (VNN)", Anti-Defamation League.

[edit] Further reading

[edit] Quotes

Whites already know blacks are stupid, violent, destructive apelike creatures. That is why Whites move away from them — always. — VNN, June 7, 2005 [4]

[Jews] are nation wreckers. We WHITE MEN created the nations they wreck. It is time for us to engage in wrecking of our own. DEATH TO THE JEWS. — VNN, May 1, 2005 [5]

What Holocaust? It never happened. It's a Big Lie ... It is propaganda made possible by jewish [sic] control of the media and the governments of the West. It is used by jews [sic] to steal billions of dollars from honest White men, and those dollars are used to hasten whites toward their genocide. — VNN, May 2005 [6]

Jews lie as reflexively and unthinkingly as humans breathe. — VNN, March 24, 2005 [7]

The individual has no right to destroy the community through his private choices. Part of preserving the community is guarding its racial basis. — VNN, Nov 22, 2003 [8]

Wow. A woman who can think. You don't see that every decade. And go against the Establishment. You don't see that at all. — VNN, February 2005 [9]