Alderaan (astronomy)

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For the fictional planet in the Star Wars universe, see Alderaan.

Alderaan is a unused name for the two pairs of stars α and β Canis Minoris (Procyon and Gomeisa) and α and β Geminorum (Castor and Pollux). The name was taken from Arabic al-dhirā`ain الذراعين (= "the two forearms" or "the two front paws" or "the two cubit measuring rods"). The term originally referred to the "measuring rods" meaning, but an astronomer whose native language was not Arabic supposed that it meant "two forepaws" literally and invented an enlarged rampant Lion asterism centered on Leo and stretching over a quarter of the sky. Not to be confused with the large orange star Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri).

[edit] Use in Star Wars

This name was dug up from somewhere and re-used in Star Wars. This may not be the only Star Wars name that was taken from an obsolete real star name; the Star Wars character name Jabba the Hutt looks suspiciously close to Arabic jabhat al ħūţ = "the forehead of the fish", which is a suitable name for the star ε Piscis Austrini when considered in terms of the old pictorial constellations.