Alberta Premium
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Alberta Premium (by Alberta Distillers Ltd, of Calgary, Alberta, Canada) is the only remaining 100% rye produced in Canada.
Alberta Premium won "Canadian Whisky of the Year" in Jim Murray's ( 2006 Whisky Bible.[1]
The whisky is quite strongly-flavoured and charismatic for a Canadian whisky, and could be considered less approachable (analogously to the Islay malts in the Scotch whisky domain). There is a distinctively firm, somewhat acid note from the rye grain which will distinguish Alberta Premium to any taster in a blind lineup of Canadian Whiskies. Unlike its 10-year-old blended stablemate, Alberta Springs, Alberta Premium is only aged for 5 years - perhaps accounting for some of the comparative feistiness.
Alberta Premium is currently only available in Canada. Despite its unique composition, it occupies the same shelving and price bracket (e.g. [2]) as the staple malt liquor.