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Al-Sirât (Arabic: الصراط) is, in Islam, the hair-narrow bridge, which according to Muslim belief every person must pass on the Day of Judgement to enter Paradise. The concept of al-Sirât is similar to the Zoroastrianism belief in the Chinvat bridge. It is said that it is as thin as a hair and as sharp as a sword, good Muslims will cross it fast and will reach the other end safely. But, kafirs (kafir - كافر -unbeliever) will try to cross it and fall into the depths of hell.

Muslims who offer the obligatory prayers, recite at least 17 (or more) times a day the Surah Al-Fatiha, which is a supplication in which they ask God to guide them through the "straight path", this has been referred to by some scholars as a continuation (or precursor if you will) of the Bridge Al-Sirât (The straight bridge).

American science fiction author Frank Herbert adopted the idea for his novel Dune. In the Orange Catholic Bible, the most important religious work in the Dune universe, life is described as a journey across the Sirât, with "Paradise on my Right, Hell on my Left, and the Angel of Death Behind".